Friday, March 24, 2006

Weekend techno-thoughts

Note to whoever designed the word verification program in the comments section of this and most other blogs. You’re supposed to copy the letters that are shown but half the time you can’t read them. What is that goofy slanted font they use? And why? I apologize to anyone trying to add a comment who has to go through this process more than once because the “q” looked like an “a” or the “ffft” looked like “fltf”. The idea is to eliminate spammers not anyone who doesn’t have X-Ray vision.

Traffic is usually much lighter on the weekend thus leading me to believe that most people log on at work. In essence, it means that if they’re going to read my blog somebody better be paying them.

Anyone know of a website where I can download (legally of course because heck, it’s only right) obscure oldies?

Does anybody actually buy anything they see advertised on the side of a blog? Which brings to mind this question: which is more annoying – commercials in movie theatres or pop up ads? Why would you advertise your product in venues where you’re loudly booed or people pay good money for programs to block you?

There is some on line fantasy stock exchange where blogsites are the “companies”. Could someone tell me where to find it, how the hell it works, and should I be worried that the sites I’ve recommended will stage a hostile takeover?

Thanks in advance to those of you who graciously would like to answer. Just remember the difference between the “v” and the “u” is that what looks like the “v” is the really the “u” and what looks like the “u” is really the “n”.


  1. On word verification:

    The goofy slanted font that is hard to read looks that way because image recognition software is pretty crappy. Blog comment spammers can use automated software to throw their ads up on the end of a post, but having to enter the word defeats them. They can add image recognition software to look at the picture of the word, but once you distort the letters sufficiently the computer program is no longer smart enough to figure it out. People are supposed to be able to figure out what the letters are, and so can post.

    Sometimes it does get distorted to the point where it looks like another letter. I'm sure we've *all* screwed it up at one point. The reason it is still good is because the cost of the occasional false negative (retyping the verification word) tends to be much less than the cost of deleting the spam (deleting a bunch of useless comments, which is a pain for both you and the servers your blog is posted on).

  2. I work at home and am always getting paid to surf. The worst ads are those preceding the movie. They drive me insane and I have stopped going to movies. Well that and all the crap that is out there. Thanks to mahlzeit, the site was interesting.

  3. There was an article n the Times on really, really old oldies (wax cylinders etc) that have recently been archived on the Net. You remember wax cylinders, dontcha, Ken? ;-)

  4. I do a lot of online shopping, but can't remember a single time when I've bought something after following a linked ad to it.

    I also remember when cable television was ad- and censor-free. It irks me no end that cable now has as many commercials and station promotions as network TV, and, further, imposes the same moral standards as to what I'm allowed to see or hear. The first time I saw a commercial in a movie theater was when I declared I'd never go to a theater again.

  5. I remember several years ago, when Coke and Fandango commericals started poping up before movies.

    I was more than upset, because I knew where the trend was headed. My friends thought I was crazy, and would actively tell people that I hated Fandango, which would always be received as ridiculous. I would then have to explain why.

    I knew then that if people didn't protest seeing 1 or 2 commericals before the film, the theatres and ad companies would keep adding on to that. And how many commericals do we sit through today?

    The insane become sane when they're proven right.

  6. The fantasy blog stock market is

  7. My blog traffic is light on weekends too. Reminds me of high school. Phone rang all week when guys need homework help or a heads up on a test that I had already taken. Weekends, I was lucky to get a wrong number.

  8. While Bedazzled is not a website, but a blog that posts random vintage music related stuff, I think it's wickedly cool.
    At the Internet Archive I would check out especially the prelinger archive.

  9. What kills me is when they ram the rn together so it looks like an m, so you get used to typing in rn even when it is an m.

  10. One thing to do is before writing your comment, see if the CAPTCHA (Yeah, that's the word for it) is readable. If not, just refresh the page BEFORE YOU WRITE, and keep doing it until you get a readable one.

    Or one less than twelve letters.

    Or one that you really like.


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