Sunday, August 19, 2007

I just had to share this.

My daughter's friend was standing in line at a Cineplex recently and saw a seedy homeless guy approaching. He went through his pockets in preparation for the inevitable beg for money. Instead the homeless guy said, "Don't see the new Lindsay Lohan movie. It's terrible!"


  1. So that's what's become of Roger Ebert.

    God that's funny. So what does the homeless guy recomend?

  2. I know who killed my career

  3. I was also in line & I can attest that the " homeless guy " was NOT Roger Ebert. It was actually Kevin Federline.

  4. That is hysterical. Maybe Richard Roeper can get the homeless guy to guest host for Ebert while he's recuperating. He sounds very insightful...

  5. I don't think it was Ebert. I think it was M.Medved. People finally realized what the guys opinion is really worth.


  6. No. It can't have been Federline or Medved. His taste was too good for either of them.


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