Friday, September 28, 2007

The beauty of live TV

Eva Nazemson, hosting a Swedish call-in show, throws up live on the air and keeps going. Talk about a trooper. In case you don't speak Swedish, she blames the hurling on "menstrual cramps". Now THIS is how Katie Couric could get more viewers.


  1. Now THAT qualifies as Olympic Hurling.

    With only a little editing, it could join the Cingular "dropped call" commercials.

    ", the next time you have to call Ralph on the big white phone..."

  2. Sounds squishy.

  3. What a pro! Back on the air with a smile on her face, first giving a brief explanation then picking up where she left off, and all in a matter of seconds! Like a beauty queen contestant, she has the iron will of a great athlete masked by a cheerful demeanor. The speed of the retreat into normality is almost scary.

    My favorite moment: the complete silence of the guy on the phone, apparently in utter shock.

  4. Brilliant!

    I especially like the little "Hoo!" sound she makes as she comes back into frame, as if to say, "Hey, who *hasn't* done a little projectile vomiting while hosting a live call-in show in a low-cut dress?" Capping it off, she periodically wipes what I assume are little flecks of vomit from her face as she cheerily carries on - now that's sexy.

  5. All that and she managed to miss hurling on her mic. What a trooper.

  6. Hmm, I feel a pich coming on - Barf or No Barf?

  7. You fools! That was a clue!

    The solution the word puzzle: "Whistling Beef"

    Or is she just training to be a supermodel?

  8. That's "trouper," by the way.

    Most people get it wrong, because both spellings sort-of make sense. Like "free rein" vs. "free reign."

  9. I was reluctant to watch, but it was actually funny. Where do you come up with this stuff Ken? Reminds of a Ginger Baker story. He puked while playing drums, never stopped, assured his bandmates "no biggie"!

  10. Fox has already developed the U.S. version: The Barfing Bee.

  11. They should create a New Emmy category for her.

  12. When Katie's on it's the audience that does the puking.

  13. Whoa, dude....fully sick!

  14. Tonight on Fox: Who Wants to Be a Supermodel Game Show Host, right after Farmhands on Patrol.

  15. Actually, I think that the kind of daylight robbery these call in shows represents should make more of the hosts puke.

    It's simply the fleecing the gullible in the worst possible way. Anyone involved should feel somewhat sick to their stomachs, to be honest.

    Swedish note: the word the guy calls in with is "tölp", which translates as boor or lout AND sounds like someone puking. Serendipity? You be the judge.

  16. That was an interesting way to start off my morning.

  17. Makes you wonder if she might be pregnant since that can result in anything from no to a whole bunch of vomiting.


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