Friday, September 21, 2007

Genius, Beatle, Boss Jock -- John Lennon

How'd you like to turn on the radio one morning and find that John Lennon is the disc jockey? KHJ radio listeners in Los Angeles had that bizarre experience one day in 1974. And it turns out he was damn good! Which should come as no surprise to anybody.

Here's a rare sample of that morning's broadcast. I think it's too late to call in your requests however.

Coming tomorrow: the second annual "YOU fill in the punch line" exercise. Funny up!


  1. Stuff like this is what made radio great, back in the day. Name me even one current star who would go on-the-air and risk making a total fool of him or herself.

    Impressive, that at a time when he and Paul were not on good terms that John would play Wings' current single.

    And of course, major kudos to whoever was programming KHJ at the time for coming up with the idea and talking Lennon into doing it.

    And yeah, he did sound damn good. Could have made a second career out of it if he'd been so inclined.

  2. If not mistaken, he did the same thing at NEW-FM in New York once...I know that Elton John was 'EJ the DJ' there once...

  3. Fred rocks!

  4. EJ the DJ was 99X WXLO

  5. Very cool. Like Bob Dylan's satellite radio show, you get reminded that the reason these people became musicians is because they love music so much, and are happy to be in the middle of it in just about any form. Besides, they were teenagers in the fifties, so they know what a cool DJ is supposed to sound like. A good DJ creates a world, and Lennon does a decent job. And I always forget how strong Lennon's Liverpool accent is.

  6. I miss John.


  7. estiv said...
    Very cool. Like Bob Dylan's satellite radio show, you get reminded that the reason these people became musicians is because they love music so much, and are happy to be in the middle of it in just about any form.

    Elvis Costello gives off the same sort of feeling...which may be why he's currently touring with Dylan.

  8. What a rare piece, can't wait until I have time to hear the whole thing.

  9. What I find amazing is that the clip was from almost thirty years ago, but you could have said it was from last week and I would have believed you (except for, you know, that whole John Lennon being dead thing and all).

    What I'm getting at is: despite the fracturing of formats and the fact that AM hit radio is pretty much dead, the "sound" of radio hasn't changed much, from the bumpers to the jingles to the news breaks to the live ads. Even in today's talk formats, all of that stuff is still there.

    You know what I think was the most impressive thing about Lennon as a DJ? That he gave the time after every song. I know it's small, but heck, that's what a morning DJ is supposed to do.

  10. By the way, not only was Elton John a guest DJ on 99X, but our favorite blogger was also! A clip is available for you listening pleasure at

  11. Captain First,
    I do not know if Steve Jones counts as a current star ( although the October Sex Pistols reunion did sell out in 10 minutes and they added 2 more days and possibly more ) but he does this on terrestial radio every weekday 12-2 on 103.1 in Los Angeles. Wonderfully anti commercial radio. Even better when he has guests on . Everyone from Paul Anka ( The Pistols of course covered My Way ) and Pete Townshend to current bands.

  12. John was the best. Thanks a million for running this tape.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Larry wakes up in a strange bed, turns over...and sees Wanda Sykes.

    WANDA: Hey Larry, you know what they say, once you go Black, you never go go back.

  15. (second try -the first got cut off)

    Larry wakes up in a strange bed, turns over...and sees Wanda Sykes.

    WANDA: Hey Larry, you know what they say, once you go Black, you never go go back.
    But don't expect me now to become one of those Jewish Falashaa or Sammy Davis Juniors or whatever, it aint gonna happen.


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