Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Flying pies and Lisa Edelstein

Here's that pie fight episode from ALMOST PERFECT that I co-wrote and directed. It's pretty funny and if you're a Lisa Edelstein fan this show is for YOU. She is HILARIOUS in it. Tomorrow I'll fill you in on some backstory. Enjoy. I'm still washing custard out of my hair.

And here's the pie fight. From this point I let all cameras roll and just held my breath.


  1. Watching it right now looking for that actress. You know who I mean ;-)

  2. How appropriate. On two levels. Don’t want to worry anybody about what's happening to your retirement, but my brokerage was just taken over by a food bank.

    And wouldn’t you like to see some of that tart-tossing in the Couric-Palin interview tomorrow night? Katie (with the Travis-Tartch-up gesture): “So Governor, do you mousse?”

    BTW, at last report, so far that viral online campaign has generated over 18,000 contributions to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin’s name --with an individual thank you card sent to her by PP for every single contribution. (Don’t mean this to interject politics, only to point out that if Ashton Kutscher or Jamie Kennedy had thought of PlannedParenthoodPunking, they still would have those "reality" shows, possibly with Emmys.)

    Wait, now that Palin thing's got me thinking: Tina Fey DOESN'T have a penis? I just finished catching up on three days of this blog’s Emmy coverage + plus highly responsive commentary. Is it too late to get any more in here?

    Lemme know, wouldn’t want to push things, but hate to waste solid B- material, and by this time next year, you know they’ll have repossessed our widescreen.

  3. Isn't there some California law that specifically states you cannot intentionally place your own father in the middle of a pie fight?

  4. What's with the Lisa Edelstein obsession?

  5. Sebastian- I'm doing the same thing. I hope Ken is nice enough to point out which one she is.

  6. Ken doesn't even know who I am, but I have a feeling this is for me. As a Lisa Edelstein fan (or am I THE Lisa Edelstein fan?), I appreciate the thought and will watch it later. And there's no obsession...she's just awesome.

  7. How come your dad didn't get hit with a pie? Or two or three? He's been a in a lot worse situations on stage!

  8. Question for Ken (but not about pie fights):

    In the early days of CHEERS, back when Coach was still alive, there was an episode when he was helping Sam study (I didn't understand at the time why--maybe for his GED?) I've never forgotten Coach's song to the tune of "When the Saints Go Marching In" as a mnemonic device to help Sam remember facts about, of all things, Albania!

    Did you write it, Ken? Do you remember who did? Any stories you can share about its creation? I sure hope it's factually accurate, heh, otherwise everything I know about Albania is wrong!

    Can anybody else here sing it with me now? "Al-ban-i-a. Al-ban-i-a. You border on the A-dri-atic. Your terrain is most-ly moun-tain-ous. And your chief ex-port is chrome."

  9. Dear Charlotte,

    I think you mean the episode "Teacher's Pet" from the third season of Cheers.

    The writer of that episode was: Tom Reeder.

    Best regards,


  10. I adore Lisa Edelstein. Always have.

  11. Thank you for posting this!
    As a Lisa Edelstein fan, this is great for me to watch.

  12. I adore Lisa and that was amazing!!
    Thank you!

  13. Thank you for these videos :)
    I'm a huge Lisa Edelstein fan and it's always awesome to see her in her earlier works, and especially when she sings!

  14. i love lisa edelstein. and she looked so tasty here!! =D

  15. It's all wonderful and Lisa is wonderful.. thanks for this!


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  17. OhMyGod! I love Lisa Edelstein sooo much...she´s gorgeous!

  18. Such a fun episode - even with the cheeseball ending.


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