Thursday, September 04, 2008

Funniest ten seconds of the conventions


  1. If not for the history books, it's a new Martin Lawrence movie.

  2. More like the funniest 10 minutes of the convention coverage. (So far, the funniest moment of the convention was George Bush introducing his parents as people of "Honesty and integrity.")

    But you can't argue with this boob's statement: were O'Bama's parentage as he stated, that would certainly be one for the history books, and biology textbooks would be advised to take note as well.

    So why doesn't he support gay marriage? Why haven't we heard "My fathers were prevented from marrying by a discriminatory law, and as a result, I only knew one of my fathers well."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Now I'm confused. Obama's first book was Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance while one of McCain's books is Faith of My Fathers. Note the singular personal pronoun with the singular noun "father" in Obama's title, but the odd mix of singular personal pronoun in McCain's title with the plural "fathers."

    Hmmmm, curious.... :-)

    Anyway, I also found today's Shoe strip (by Chris Cassatt and Gary Brookins) to be a relevant observation on both the conventions and the state of TV in general these days. Thought you and your readers might enjoy it too. Granted, it would be funnier if there wasn't so darned much truth to it....

  5. the Gay Agenda strikes again! they're planting subliminal messages in our journalists!

  6. That one goes into the gag reel, hilarious, and he sounds so broadcasty and important saying it.

    Guess that's why attorney Phil Berg has filed court papers charging that Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. It's all so clear now

  7. Note the singular personal pronoun with the singular noun "father" in Obama's title, but the odd mix of singular personal pronoun in McCain's title with the plural "fathers."

    IIRC, it's meant to evoke the hymn "Faith of Our Fathers."

  8. Hilarious. Thanks for the Friday laugh Ken.

  9. That would be on e for the history books.

  10. beg to differ

  11. He sounds SO. SERIOUS. when saying it, which is what makes it all the more hilarious. Thanks Ken!

  12. LOL! That would be one for the biology books!!!


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