Monday, October 27, 2008

You can now buy my book... for one cent

IT'S GONE... NO, WAIT A MINUTE... is now available on Amazon for one cent!!! Don't wait for the price to be reduced even more. You can order here. I wonder if they'll allow installment payments.


  1. Darn! The used copy I bought on Amazon about six months ago cost me over $4.00!

    Although if I had waited and bought this copy, I would've paid more in shipping than the cost of book, so I can feel good about myself for that anyway.

    Seriously, though, as a big baseball fan I did enjoy the book.

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I've been waiting until the price dropped into my range. It's close enough now.

  3. I'm going to wait for the movie, and then find out what Roger Ebert thinks about it first.

  4. Just wondering. If I bought 2500 copies at one you think Amazon would throw in free shipping?

  5. Welcome to the 1 penny club.

    You can get paperbacks of my first book for a penny also, and what's worse, I think it says "Only because we can't charge you less."

    However, if you want a first-edition hardback, you still have to pony up 85 cents. That's nearly a whole DIME to ME!

    I'm glad to see that my more recent book can still not be purchased for less tha $7.58.

    But when they reach the point of "We'll pay YOU to take this lox off of our shelves," then you gotta worry.

  6. Oh wait, I think my paperbacks are headed for "Three for a penny, and free shipping!"

  7. And what does it say when used copies are more expensive than new ones?

  8. How does that make an author feel? All the work to write a book and your opinions worth a cent! Any idiot who pipes up with his opinion and what's he call it? "Putting in my 2 cents worth."

  9. Sure, one cent sounds like a bargain, but then you've got to pay that $3.99 shipping charge.

  10. "Wayne said...
    How does that make an author feel?"

    Lousy. All the townhouses-in-London brouchures go into the trash.

    I just checked, and I'm proud to say that you can only get USED copies of MY LUSH LIFE for one penny. For a new one, you have to go up to at least 75 cents. But then there's a used one for a dollar.

    Hmmm. I suppose it depends on what it's been used for.

    I love the product descriptions on the used ones: "Like new," "Slight spine wear," "Faint odor," "Moderate blood stains." "Cries for help penciled in the margins."

    Not that I'm bitter or anything, but the paper alone is worth more than a penny. Apaprently, having my words on paper devalues it.

  11. Ken, I bought the book a few months ago. Very enjoyable.

  12. Gee, someone on Amazon was selling my book for $500. I'd like to see a royalty on that, and get the name of the sucker that bought it.

  13. Oh I can top that

    Items: $0.01
    Shipping & Handling: $12.49

    Total Before Tax: $12.50
    Estimated Tax:* $0.00

    Order Total: $12.50

    No thank you :-)

    I'd pay 4 bucks for a digital version I guess :-)

  14. Why don't authors of books which sell for practically nothing unite? Go on strike...Negotiate for better residuals....

    Who knows, maybe next time your book sells for one cent, you'll make two cents...

    How's that for "put-ting-it-to-the-man"

  15. No honestly I don't get it why when your book hits the 1 Cent Mark your contract doesn't expire and you simply can put it up for download on a website.

    I seriously would absolutely love to read this book but I won't have it shipped over from the US for 12.50US$.

    Even though that's about .05 Euro...

  16. I'm reading it now and I paid about five bucks with shipping on ebay.

    Great book. Sounds like you got hosed on publicity and marketing. Today you'd probably be on Book TV and have an agressive internet campaign.

  17. * * * * *
    Boffo! Spectacular. A laugh riot!, July 7, 1999

    Gee, I wish I could be in Ken's shoes..... as the great Geoff Witcher (The Sultan of Scores) said "What do you know about leaving the typewritter for hot television shoes to become a big league announcer" but despite that -- Ken hits a home run! Great for that baseball nut in your family. Instead of "let's play 2".... it should be "let's buy 2!" (of Ken's book)

    With a glowing review like that, how could I've only bought one when it was new--what was I hinking?

    And now it's 1 cent?

    Hmmmmmm...Since my stock market investments are in the tank, this might be the time for a re-buy--you know, something for the kids' future...

  18. I believe back in the days when I was enjoying you as Mariners commentator, I paid full price. Can I get a rebate on the difference?

  19. Now the cheapest copy is 47 cents. Too rich for my blood.

  20. One of my favorite TV stories I did during my sportscasting career featured you doing play-by-play for the Norfolk Tides on a very cold May evening, with maybe 25 people at old Tides Stadium. You were hilarious, describing the players resembling "battered Civil War veterans, limping home from battle." You may be mildly amused to learn that the R-Braves have up and left, and "The Diamond" will soon meet with the wrecking ball.

  21. Autographed for $20 plus shipping!

    Almost worth it to find out what ingrate turned it in.


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