Friday, April 10, 2009

If only George Carlin were here to see this...

Taken from the AP wire:

DENVER (AP) - Kelly Coffman-Lee wanted to tell the world about her love of tofu by picking the letters for her car's license plate. But her tofu fondness ran into a snafu at the Division of Motor Vehicles, which blocked her plan because they thought the combination of letters could be interpreted as profane. Her suggestion for the plate on her Suzuki: "ILVTOFU." Department of Revenue spokesman Mark Couch said the letters could be misinterpreted.

I wonder, what are the seven dirty foods you can't spell on a license plate?


  1. I love to FU? I can see it.

    One of my friends once got the following vanity plate approved for his Corvette:


  2. Kumquat
    Jerk chicken
    Sticky buns
    and of course the English food called "Spotted Dick"

  3. Don't worry -- "I Love Tofu" will probably be the first single title off Brittany Spears' next album (oh, that girl is such a provocateur...)

  4. Uncle Reamus4/10/2009 11:19 PM

    Ummm... TSSDSLD?


    WV: pressed - Seriously, this is what came up.

  6. Mrs. Felix Unger had that plate too, but she got rid of it when Felix moved in with Oscar.

  7. Not to mention bangers and mash. It's a sex reference and a TV show!

  8. ASSMAN.

    WV: vaniti - what you think it is... a little girl's dressing table.

  9. How 'bout the proud owner of a Ford Focus who was denied the plate "BOFUS?"

  10. Took me a couple reads to get it.

  11. I knew someone with the plate I812. He thought it was funny.

    And I lived for several years in a city in Japan named Gifu. My brother said it must have been named after WWII.

  12. Sad the world we're leaving our kids. It's just all TOFU for me (past tense).

  13. The thing I don't get is why anyone loves tofu.

  14. I'm not sure which makes me scratch my head more. That the DMV disallowed the plate, or that someone wanted to spend extra money on a vanity plate that proclaims their love of soy bean curd.

    I could go for ILoveMnMs but people would probably wonder, "She loves Eminem's what?"

  15. I saw a vanity license plate that read PRIAPUS once. Apparently the good folks at the CA DMV don't recognize a Greek god of male genitalia when they see one.

  16. Though I'm pretty sure that's why Toyota had to shorten it to PRIUS.

    I never quite understood the appeal of having a license plate easier for a cop to memorize, should you accidentally run a red light, knock over a convenience store, or something.

  17. A real plate from the 70s:


  18. that is sofa king stupid


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