Saturday, August 01, 2009

The greatest magazine cover EVER

And it's also a hint.Current tally: 1253.

For the first time I'm beginning to think my goal of 4,563,472 Twitter followers might not be reached. Restore my faith. Click here. If not for me then for the love of animals. Thanks and woof.


  1. That is the greatest magazine cover EVER. Sadly, I already follow you. If I could unfollow you and then follow you again, I'd do it, but that doesn't help your net followers. I will RT your post in hopes of gaining you followers. And I'll share some of my Russian Cam Girls and MLM people with you. Just visit on the @markedwards followers, follow the suspect ones, and their bots will follow you back in nanoseconds.

  2. Following you now. Is it harder to be funny in 140 characters or less?

  3. I subscribed to the Lampoon as a teenager (1972-75) and proudly own this issue. In early 2005 I happened to see the 2-hour special "Live from New York: The First 5 Years of Saturday Night Live" on NBC, and the contributions of the early-'70s Lampoon to the SNL cast and writing staff were discussed, as they should have been. But to my surprise, a pseudo-version of this cover (possibly undated) was shown, with the word "Shoot" instead of "Kill". This was outrageous, whatever the reason for it. Many people watching that show would have had no idea that the original cover wasn't used.

  4. I signed up. (under an alias)

    As your follower, am I now officially your Twitterer, or your Twit?

    I prefer the former. But I'm afraid it's the latter...

  5. Zoo officials in Mass. recently emulated the Lampoon cover.

    See this:

  6. The greatest magazine cover ever is "if you don't buy this magazine, we'll shoot this dog."

    The original artwork is now owned by Michael Vick.

  7. Just for the record, that cover gag was created/written by Ed Bluestone, who also wrote two hilarious piece inside that issue: "23 Ways to Be Offensive at the Funeral of Someone You Didn't Like" and "Telling a Kid his Parents are dead."

    I used to know Ed, dark, funny guy.

  8. I used to know Ed, dark, funny guy.

    The comic he wrote for an issue of the Lampoon that included an ice show on a melted rink and a family adopting a bear to replace their child, who then died of the same disease as their child, was possibly the most deeply dark stream-of-consciousness insanely funny thing I've ever read. And that's including William S. Burroughs.

  9. A big factor behind this cover was getting the dog to look at the gun. After trying numerous tactics, pulling the trigger on the (unloaded) gun worked.

    Of course, there are variations on the theme, such as this one:

  10. "estiv said...
    a family adopting a bear to replace their child, who then died of the same disease as their child"

    Ed's a funny guy. That line made me laugh for five minutes.

  11. I also liked it, possibly even better,
    their cover, "Buy Zees Magazine or We'll Shoot Zees French 'Ookair!"

  12. ok, i already follow u...
    HOWEVER, you know what to do...

    sex sells

    cursing works

    Jewish nebishes...not so much. Whether it's Dylan or Woody, it's not enough to be brilliant. You have to shed your identity and become a dirty whore.

  13. I own two copies of this. Plus many from the 1970s. Finest humor magazine ever written. No one was spared. No one.


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