Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Answers to the JON & KATE quiz!

If you got none right because you didn't take the test, you are a well-adjusted human being . You have priorities and can recognize that this is just a satiric piece, making fun of the most vacuous inane couple television has ever created.

Extra credit for not even knowing who Jon & Kate are.

If you actually took the test, you are a sad pathetic individual. Get a life, get help immediately, or go to work for TMZ.

Thanks so much for playing.


  1. The Rideouts from 30 some years ago are up there too. We all know that Reality Shows are staged to a certain degree, but what is surprising is the staging in local news.
    A few years back a TV station did a story involving my wife and I surprised at how much is reenacted when the story is shot.

  2. I have some vague idea who these people are, but I take pride in the fact I didn't take the test. I'm sure had I taken it, I would have seen the test as the rollicking adventure in satiric tomfoolery it was intended to be. Maybe.

  3. I only know who they are because my wife used to watch the show. Do I still get the extra points?

  4. oh, now I see. Jon and Kate are very searchable. Many hits on your site from search engines. Post about them and the people will come. But, what does that say about you, Ken? That you want the kind of people who would search them to come here?

  5. Hey, I got extra credit. Yay, me! Not being from the US I actually have no idea at all who these people are.

  6. It's not my fault that I've heard of them, I swear! - I look at the website of my hometown area's remaining newspaper a few times a week (Lehigh Valley, PA) and came across a few stories about the husband getting stopped for a major moving violation of some kind, about two months ago. I have no idea why he was (or is) there and don't want to know.

  7. Until and unless TLC decides to put the Goselin kids in a foster home with Roman Polanski, this has evolved into the most depressing show on television right now, as viewers watch mom and dad treat their brood in pretty much the same way Jackie Coogan's parents treated him back in the 1920s.

    You get the feeling when the show's run is finally over, Jon & Kate will get their lawyers together to see if they can auction off the least-loved ones on e-bay to earn a few final dollars of income.

  8. I'm proud to say that all I know about them is that they're on some kind of reality show and they're always in the headlines.

  9. Never watched the show, didn't take the quiz, so -- Hey, I've finally gotten something perfect in my life!... And to think, I was just about to submit my application to a reality show for people with self-image issues...

  10. anonymous bosch10/14/2009 2:52 AM

    only heard of them through the aren't americans funny stories in english newspapers.
    they don't seem to feature your president as much anymore.

  11. Ken,

    I hate to report this to you, but the first place I ever heard about Jon and Kate was on your blog. After that, I started noticing their names everywhere I turned. Thanks a lot!!!


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