Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Mommy Dearest Merry Christmas to you all!

May your family have as wonderful a Christmas as Joan Crawford's.

And what holiday celebration in the Crawford home would be complete without this heartwarming scene?



  1. Yet another example of Joan's motto:
    Art is short for Artifice ~~

  2. LOL!! Merry Xmas to you too, Mr. Levine.

  3. A. Buck Short12/24/2009 5:35 AM

    “Miss Crawford, my listeners and I are so pleased that you and your family have invites us in to share Yom Kippur with you."

    “Well, Mr. Fisher, it’s one of the merriest holidays for our family, and I only wish we could have provided a small nosh. But I’m afraid your radio listeners will have to just accept the twins’ contented smiles, because, as you see, they are only three and cannot yet read."

    "Thanks your majesty, and now laddies and Lassies, before Miss Crawford permits me to resume licking her boot, Christopher has asked to go upstairs to make a 'wee dewdew,' because, in truth, A Christmas Carol is not nearly scary enough for him."

    Thanks for another entertaining year, in which you've once again assisted some of us in getting very little done.

  4. Thanks for another entertaining year, in which you've once again assisted some of us in getting very little done.

    Hear hear! Keep it up, Ken! :)

  5. Dat Bitch was craaazy!

    WV: fesquo....If I wanted your damned opinion I would've fesquo

  6. Merry Christmas to All! -- Ken, thanks for all the laughs and entertainment this year! -- And now, in keeping with a personal annual holiday tradition, I'm going to go watch the one movie that pretty much sums up my feelings regarding family Christmas get-togethers (which, come to think of it, probably also turned out to be one of Joan Crawford's offspring's favorites): ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ...

  7. Sounds like that Hopalong Cassidy Gun and the Collie were not long for the Crawford household. I wonder if Christopher and Christina ever wised up about telling Mom which gifts they loved. If it were me, I'd have said "Oh, Mummy, my favorite present in the world is the underwear!!" (David Lee here, who still has issues with signing in on Google.)

  8. I have another question for you. When an actor has to play a musical instrument and doesn't in real life, how much coaching do they get? Similarly, it seems like many young actors would put down exotic skills/accents to catch a casting director's eye, even if they lacked the claimed talent. Did you ever catch an actor doing this during an audtion? Similarly, before IMDB, it was probably difficult to check out obscure credits. What was the process then?

  9. Joan would have loved the 20-penny nails I used to hang my clothes.

    Merry Xmas, Ken. Thanks for another year of top flight blogging.

  10. How generous of Joan to give the interviewer's staff a holiday and take over the job of writing all his questions herself.


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