Monday, January 18, 2010

How to hit on Margaret Colin

Guys, how’s this for a sure fire pick-up line?

Margaret Colin is a fine actress. You’ve seen her on many things I’m sure. Recently she had a recurring role on GOSSIP GIRL. She’s been in INDEPENDENCE DAY, THREE MEN AND A BABY, and SOMETHING WILD among other features. In the late 80s and early 90s she was very hot in television. She starred in such series as FOLEY SQUARE, LEG WORK, SIBS, and CHICAGO HOPE. Recently she was on LAW & ORDER (although that doesn't mean anything. Every New York actor is in LAW & ORDER.)

Her first series was FOLEY SQUARE, a comedy that aired on CBS in 1985 right after THE MARY SHOW, which was our series (and could have easily been entitled FOLLY SQUARE). Neither show fared well and by early ’86 they were both cancelled.

Flash forward a few months. I’m on vacation at the San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara. Hanging out at the pool. And I see Margaret Colin. Actually, every guy saw Margaret Colin. On a scale of 1-10 she was a 52.

At one point we’re both in the pool. I swim up to her and with a panache that the Fonz himself would approve of, say, “Hi there. Y’know, you and I have something in common.” She rolls her eyes. Another schmuck. “What?” she asks warily.

I said, “You and I both killed Wednesday night for CBS”.

She was not expecting that. She laughed, I explained who I was and we had a nice chat bitching about the network.

A few years later she starred in SIBS for ABC and I did punch-up for that series. She told me that was the greatest pick-up line she had ever heard (and I’m sure she’s heard many).

So fellas, as a public service I offer the line to you. Best of luck with it. Let me know how it goes.


  1. I guess I'm the one who liked MARY. I was luke warm to begin with, but I really liked James Farentino, and by the end of the run I was really starting to like the John Astin and Katey Sagal characters. I was hoping it might gel in the next season (I always thought the first MTM show really came together in the 3rd). I was sorry to see it go.

  2. Okay, Ken, now you're just showing off.

  3. Ah, Margaret Colin. That brings back lustful memories. I always felt she deserved all the tall brunette roles that went to Geena Davis.

    By the way, I liked Mary too. Sorry to see it go off the air.

  4. I suppose on a contemporary basis, Jeff Zucker could use a version of that line if he wanted to pick up Jay Leno. Except that it wouldn't just be Wednesdays

  5. "Now and Again," also quite the showcase for her

  6. Man, I've been crushing on her since... forever.

    Now that I have a pick-up line that is golden I will use in in two ways...

    1) when I meet Margaret Colin.

    2) when I want to chat to any other random gorgeous babe. Sure, I'll have to then go on to explain who M Colin and K Levine are, but you never know...

    Count me in as another fan of Mary (particularly the John Astin character).

    And Foley Square was awesome, too. Great theme music.

  7. I don't care if Ken is showing off. The man got off a great line -- in the pool, no less -- and is accurate in rating her a 52 on a scale of 1 to 10. Well played, sir.

  8. My crush on Margaret Colin was so great that I can hum the theme music from "Leg Work," and am doing so right now.

  9. If you want to get technical about it, her first series wasn't Foley Square, it was the soap Edge of Night. She is probably better known for playing Margo on As the World Turns.

  10. I too liked the 1980s Mary sitcom, particularly John Astin's drama critic character. My favorite episode is the one in which he had a play produced -- very funny.

  11. "Hey, I bet you're a fan of Ken Levine's blog...".

    WV: subsinge = to overcook a little.

  12. She's pretty fabulous on GOSSIP GIRL, too-- funny and smart, and pitching her campiness at exactly the right frequency. And she has great chemistry with Wallace Shawn.

  13. Hear, hear for Sibs! My wife and I loved that show. It even featured the other great theme song written by George Clinton (the other being for "The Tracy Ullman Show" on Fox).

    The episode I recall, "Audie's Great Guy" had a plotline that featured Colin (Audie) dating a man who would only kiss her on the eyelid.

    One of my favorite exchanges was between Audie and Lily (Marsha Mason), this is strictly from memory, so it ai not the most accurate of quotes:

    Audie: So, how many men have you slept with?

    Lily: Ballpark?

    Audie: Anywhere.

    We were heartbroken when this was canceled. It came back for perhaps one or two showings, in a different form as "Related By Birth".

  14. In my brief soap-watching period, I watched her on 'As the World Turns'. Thanks to Josie for remembering the name of the character, Margo. She was so good, I always like seeing her turn up on prime-time shows.

    She always reminded me of Rosalind Russell.

  15. I've loved Margaret Colin since she was Margo on As The World Turns. She was always interesting to watch.

  16. I prefer my pickup line, "Drink this mickey or I'll stab you."

  17. I prefer my pickup line, "Drink this mickey or I'll stab you."

    But you soon stab the woman anyway with a different weapon. ;)

  18. Foaming Solvent said...
    My crush on Margaret Colin was so great that I can hum the theme music from "Leg Work," and am doing so right now.

    A look at that pic proves the title "Leg Work" was genuinely apt.

  19. I feel old. I still remember her as the original Margo on As The World Turns.

  20. You know she is married in real life to the guy who played Tom to her Margo on ATWT. His name Justin Deas.

  21. Margaret Colin is not only (still) hot, but she's a great performer as well. She should have been a huge TV star, but she was never in the right place at the right time. Still, she's had a career that most actresses would envy.

    And count me among those who liked Mary. It was pretty solid in its first season and only would have gotten better if the network (and/or MTM herself) had given it a chance.

  22. I'll tell you the moment Margaret Colin really won my heart. It was when I read an article about the annual TV press tour the year LEG WORK was premiering. A reporter asked her if she thought the implication behind the show's title (and its focus on her legs) was sexist and demeaning. Yes, said Margaret, but at least LEG WORK was a better title than the show's working title.

    "What was the working title?" asked the reporter.

    "SHOW US YOUR UNDERPANTS," Margaret replied.

  23. Love her. My all-time biggest celebrity crush. Also, has there ever been another actress who's played as many private investigators in movies and TV? There was Leg Work (a really under-rated series), The Return Of Sherlock Holmes, the movie True Believer with James Woods, the series The Wright Verdicts---and I feel like there's something else I'm forgetting. I guess the thing when you're casting that type of part is you need someone beautiful, smart, and tough, and I can't think of anyone who would fit the bill better than Margaret Colin.

  24. I was working as a radio DJ, and a woman called me one night with an offer I couldn't refuse. Of course, when I got to her apartment she hardly lived up to her description of herself. But she served me a couple of drinks, and off we went to the bedroom. As we undressed, I noticed that this woman had a picture of Margaret Colin posted on the wall right above her bed. So, as I made love to the woman I was with, I spent the entire time looking at Margaret's picture. I suppose you could say that was some interesting fantasizing...

  25. You know - this is a 2-yr. old blog but still feel compelled to comment on Margaret Colin's hotness. Have never seen Unfaithful before (Richard Gere, Diane Lane). Always felt it was a chick flick. Tuned in tonight for a glimpse of Diane Lane's spectacular body. Happened to tune into the part where she meets her friends in a coffee shop. Have to say that Margaret Colin stole that scene. Wayyyy hotter than Diane Lane. While Lane is also beautiful, Colin, IMO, is more so. She should have been cast as the lead.


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