Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh no! MTV has cancelled THE HILLS

Say it ain't so! You mean I won’t be able to watch the vainest most narcissistic pretty people Los Angeles eating at sidewalk cafes anymore?

I think we’ve told the story of struggle and of finding yourself in L.A.,” creator Adam DiVello said to Entertainment Weekly. Boy, I’ll say. The heartbreak of someone not quickly returning your text message. The agony of cloudy days when you want to tan. The anguish of Fred Segal closing before you could decide on a top. The torment on tables not right by the window.

THE HILLS provided a real public service – a cautionary tale to any young gorgeous person thinking about moving to the mean streets of Beverly Hills.

We’re going to miss Heidi and Spencer and Lauren and Holly and Whitney and all the others who have become so much a part of our lives. We wish them well in their noble search for vacuous ness.

And maybe, just maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll see them again on CELEBRITY REHAB. God speed you brave perfect specimens.


  1. They cancelled what? Who?

    Were they important? Relevant?

    Is anyone over 19 supposed to care?

    Will they replace the show with something I could care about?

  2. Here's an new idea for MTV, maybe some shows about...MUSIC?

  3. Couldn't find the current Heidi Montag in that picture. She's had enough plastic surgery for the witness protection program.

    vw: allho (how appropriate!)

  4. Yea, but there is a whole world of 14 year-old guys whose hearts are broken. I bet I coulda been among them, a few decades ago...

  5. Johnny 2 Times3/25/2010 5:11 PM

    When John Cleese guested on Cheers,did he have any input into the script? Was he fun to work with considering he wrote 2 t.v. classics.

  6. The answer to the question "The stars of what series will be headlining the Autograph and Nostalgia show in Burbank in five years?"

  7. It was on MTV? Dang. Right when a buttload of stupid starts sounding interesting, MTV up and flies the coop on The Hills.

  8. "We’re going to miss Heidi and Spencer and Lauren and Holly and Whitney and all the others who have become so much a part of our lives."

    No I won't.

    "We wish them well in their noble search for vacuous ness."

    No I don't.

  9. I stopped watching as a avid fan in the mid 90's when music videos went off the air. MTV has too many shows for 3 Neworks!!! Stop the crap and bring back what worked...the era of music videos and later Bevis and Butthead.

  10. Well, there goes about half of "The Soup's" content.

  11. haha, and that's the big issue on MTV.

  12. Thank you Ken and David Lee for answering. The casting and characters of 'Frasier' were so perfect. I also always loved the idea of having the brothers being so much alike and exploring the possibilities of that, and playing off the father as the opposite type.

    I'm trying to think of one reunion show I liked, but I can't.

  13. What is this MTV of what you speak?

    Really, does that network still exist?
    The audience they're trying to reach doesn't even watch TV anymore and the audience they gave up on, the ones that supported them during their infancy, gave up on them years ago.

  14. I loved your ending. LOL. MTV has another Hills on deck.

  15. Fellow commenters, can we now retire the "What is this ___ of which you speak" remark? It was funny once or twice, but it's now showing up every other column, and frankly, bragging about how culturally out of touch one is isn't pretty. In any event,it is now officially a cliche, which means using it shows you hadn't a fresh joke to share.

    That said, Ken, who are these Dodgers of whom you talk? (That's it. Last one. Moritorium. And I know who the Dodgers are, even thoughthe last time I watched them play, Don Drysdale was on the team.) (Or was Drysdale an Angel? I genuinely didn't keep track.)

  16. Ah, that last "anonymous" comment was by me. I must have checked the wrong circle.

  17. I caught ten minutes of the hills once but know all their names due to magazines. Then I waited on Stephanie Pratt. She was with two young guys and I kept pressuring them to try a cocktail. Found out later she went to rehab or AA or something. Whoops!


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