Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The world's greatest morning show guest

Meet yo yo "master", Kenny "K-Strass" Strasser. You won't believe this guy. I used to play with a yo yo all the time in the writers room. I could do a few tricks but nothing like this "master".

By the way, I will be reviewing tonight's AMERICAN IDOL. It will appear tomorrow morning. In the meantime, prepare yourself for excitement compliments of K-Strass.


  1. Wonder if his Yo-Yo Ma was off camera watching him.

  2. Nothing can upset an early morning show host. Because an early morning show host has no idea of what's happening. It's just way too early.

  3. I wanted to hear more about his personal life. Maybe why he and his brother don't get along. Maybe any issues he had with his mom growing up. Why his wives divorced him.

    Seriously, has the guy ever heard the phrase "too much information"????? Why was he talking about all that? So he could look like a complete loser? Wow.

  4. Jeffrey Leonard5/11/2010 9:58 PM

    This guy is a complete put-on. I almost fell for his routine until he took the call on his cellphone. He was so far over the heads of these morning show "hosts". I think they really thought he was for real.

  5. Actually, I just watched the whole thing (I only watched beginning before) and I have to agree with Jeffrey Leonard. Ken is obviously continuing his Andy Kaufman theme.

  6. Too bad this guy is a fraud! Here's the story:


  7. I agree dell-latitude, and after watching those videos I decided I needed some batteries! Sadly I am looking for a dell latitude x301 and cannot find a link.

    As for the Yo-yo guy he apparently called up booking agents giving false recommendations for himself with random impossible credentials. he's my new hero.

  8. Between this and the Axis of Awesome post, methinks many folks who comment here need a remedial course in puttin' people on. This guy is hilarious.

    Alan Abel lives!

  9. The second one happened in my hometown (Joplin, MO). I have no idea what excuse the producers of these shows use, since this guy had pulled this stunt on several shows over the past several weeks. Still, it's hilarious. Who knew it was so easy for just anyone to walk onto a set and start rambling? Awesome.

  10. The top clip appears to have been yanked by the TV station, but after watching the bottom clip, I had to dig a bit deeper.


    Check out the lead...

    Gotta love it!


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