Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dancing with the REAL Stars

Check out this amazing video. Don't know who did the editing but he/she/they did a fantastic job.


  1. Four minutes of happy. Thanks for sharing! Love it.

  2. Should be on next year's Oscars, excluding the High School Musical clip.

    Hey, Ken, if you're reading this, the Jeopardy message board is running a trivia quiz on M*A*S*H which you could answer every question right and still lose.

    The trick is there's multiple correct answers and your score is based on hom many people give the same answer as you. You should give it a try. The link is in my name.

  3. My wife and I couldn't wipe the smiles off of our faces while watching this - thanks for sharing this.

  4. Ken -

    I so love reading your stuff!
    If your assistant ever leaves you, I'm here.
    Lauren Tuerk

  5. Love that! Good share! No Natalie Wood?

  6. Thanks, Ken for directing us to this Late 20th Century Dance compilatiom.
    Perhaps it'll get some readers to be more curious. And they'll search for Eleanor Powell, Busby Berkely & Gene Kelly.

  7. Great editing in the clip but if you want a great medly of dancing go to youtube and search for "Baryshnikov on Broadway" and watch the seven-minute clip titled "medley of dances."

    Best Ray Bolger impression ever.

  8. So well done. If Mart138 doesn't already have a job as a film editor, he or she should.

  9. That's so impressive. I love to dance too but I don't know what the good steeping should be performed. Need a choreographer. :-)

  10. John Pearley Huffman10/18/2010 9:13 PM

    It used to be that movies would strive to deliver joy. So they had dancing in them.

    No more joy in movies any more.

  11. Love this -- hire this editor immediately!

  12. Thank you Ken,
    I read you every day and you always bring twang. This little dance made me laugh on a bad day. Thanks for blogging

  13. Thank you so much for finding this gem. Fantastic fun.

  14. I know this is probably still not active but my dad is the editor of this video! He never did get that job! But I think 10 years and it's about time we step and get him the recognition of this video!


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