Friday, November 05, 2010

Jessica Alba is an idiot

In the recent edition of Elle magazine, Jessica Alba had this to say:

"Good actors never use the script unless it's amazing writing. All the good actors I've worked with, they all say whatever they want to say."

What a moronic statement.  Especially from someone whose only talent is her looks. Good luck winging Shakespeare, Jess.  Oh wait.  You don't do Shakespeare.   You do great movies like THE LOVE GURU and GOOD LUCK CHUCK.  And fine television work like THE LOVE BOAT and FLIPPER.

Oh...and if your theory is correct, Jessica, then Flipper can say whatever he wants, but you need to stick to the script.


  1. Well, for starters, Elle isn't the kind of magazine I'm going to look up to read intelligent answers. The questions alone are probably even worse.

    But honestly, I remember when Jessica Alba wasn't all about the looks. I thought she actually managed to stick to the script for about 40 episodes of Dark Angel, and was even able to display some range back then.

    Either she's trying to be funny, or she's really working with some divas, especially if they can drop the script like that.

  2. How dare you knock the Love Guru! That had some of the best fart jokes of all time! :-)

  3. Now, now, there's no need to take out your anger on The Love Boat & Flipper! ;)

  4. Her speaking never entered into my fantasy.

  5. This quote has got to be taken out of context, right? Like maybe she was talking about when a script gives a line reading?

  6. Uh, Jessica, being beautiful doesn't mean your brain has to take a vacation. The lady in my avatar respected writers, and in fact regularly dated one of the best, Robert Riskin (you know, the guy who wrote for Frank Capra); he later ended up marrying another attractive star, Fay Wray. She and Carole Lombard never underestimated writers, and they'll be remembered long after your looks have gone.

  7. I really want to see the next set of rewrites on whatever project she's working on...

  8. Joey Tribbiani said something similar, and in the next episode Dr. Drake Ramoray fell down an elevator shaft...

  9. The Devil made her say it :)

  10. Meh. Why get angry over such an easy target - a blonde actress who lost her shot at the golden ring and the good will she had after Dark Angel.

    I'd have to assume that in Hollywood there ARE lots of A-listers who do believe the scripts are awaiting their final personal tweaks and improvements, and do so. But I don't think they could throw the whole script away because they wouldn't have a clue what to do and generally prefer to have a guide system to hold onto in the darkness.

    But on the other hand, in so many films, the dialog is just short, inserted inconsequential fragments of "conversation" played to fill action scenes, and essentially, who cares what Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Arnold S. and on and on says anyway?

  11. Michael Zand11/06/2010 1:08 AM

    She always struck me as arrogant. Now she's added stupid to the list.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Man, that really annoys me that she said that. Makes me want to give her a good spanking. I mean, a really, really, really good spanking.

  14. Good move, Jessica. Now just sit back and wait for those great scripts to arrive. I'm sure Aaron Sorkin's just dying to get you on board with his next project.

  15. I'll bet Jill Clayburgh thought otherwise.

  16. I've run into a lot of "actors" who feel the same way a Ms. Alba. Ken, how to you handle an actor like this when you are directing?

  17. And, thanks to a grievous error in judgment that I made in my Netflix queue this week, you can add Awake to that list.

  18. And on the flip side: any good writer knows their dialogue is not set in stone. They take into consideration that the great gag or line they've come up with just might not be in character for the character. And if they are working with a good actor, that actor has done his homework and should know more about his character than anybody on the set. During rehearsals, Kazan complained to Tennessee Williams about Marlon Brando changing his lines. Williams was busy writing the changes down. "He can say anything he wants. He is Stanley Kowalski.

    Some of the best work happens when there is a collaboration between the actor, writer and director.

    Sorry, but this is something most new writers and directors need to learn. THE SCRIPT IS A BLUEPRINT, NOT THE FINISHED PRODUCT.

  19. When I saw that you'd entitled this entry "Jessica Alba is an idiot," I thought you'd gone too far. After reading her comments, I can only agree. Let's just remember that Alba is a D-lister whose modest success derived solely from being attractive; the same could be said of any porn actress.

  20. Now now, everyone...let's think of it this way:

    I bet someone told Jessica that they say whatever they want, but the joke was on her. She probably can't read and has someone coach her on her lines. She's probably just too ashamed to admit to Elle magazine that she can't read. So how would she know?

  21. Hey -- anybody remember that Friends episode where Joey...

  22. The bigger issue is, producers actually believe this, and as a result, we writers get the short end of the stick.

    PS, She's not a real blonde....

  23. A potential Friday question. Are film scripts far more likely to be tossed/ignored than tv scripts? I'm guessing Ms. Alba couldn't toss a tv script, but for film...?

  24. Wow, it's hard to believe this kind of attitude even exists, let alone prevails.

    Yet in a day and age when there seem to be more hours of behind-the-scenes footage than actual final product, many people still believe actors just make it up as they go along...

    ...and even more shocking, that this is actually the best way to produce quality entertainment.

    Witness David O'Hara above.

    And we wonder why so much of what Hollywood produces is merely flash and (re)hash, and marvel at the "anomaly" of a movie where the script is the star (e.g., Aaron Sorkin's "The Social Network").

    Here's a Friday Question: I'd love to hear Ken respond to Mr. O'Hara's all-caps statement above:


    In particular, and on balance, has this widely-held industry axiom helped the quality of Hollywood entertainment, or hindered it?

  25. Saying someone is an idiot just quoting a line in an Elle's interview?:-D
    Journalists are always so 'accurate', and Elle is such an intellectual mag...
    And even if the quote is perfect, well, I know of many great french actors that were or are great BECAUSE they are able to improvise on their lines...
    Sorry but I really think the whole thing is much too easy and the idiot is not the one mentioned...
    (Yes i like Alba but it has nothing to do with it ;-) )

  26. I'm also wondering whether Alba was misquoted or taken out of context. She's never struck me as stupid, or so ignorant that she wouldn't realize there would be repercussions for showing such disrespect for writers in a national magazine. It doesn't make sense.

  27. I'm also wondering whether Alba was misquoted or taken out of context. She's never struck me as stupid, or so ignorant that she wouldn't realize there would be repercussions for showing such disrespect for writers in a national magazine. It doesn't make sense.

  28. Even Marlon Brando, as good as he was, knew the words were important. Sure later on he didn't memorize the lines, but he didn't show up and make it up. He had cue cards and the lines put in places all over the set, but it wasn't an improv session. Jessica Alba is really good, at looking good.

  29. That's fair. I don't watch her movies unless it's amazing acting.

  30. have you heard her utterly retarded interview on the George Lopez Show last year?

    George Lopez does 'DNA' test on his show. He did one on Jessica Alba. It came back that she was almost 100% European Spanish. Not like anyone with HALF a brain couldn't already tell simply by looking at her.

    However in the land of stupidity where "race" is a myth and the only people who have 'culture' is hiphop producers. The stupidity of Jessica Alba is not surprising. Born and raised in California... this 100% White Woman said these words...

    *Frowning after her DNA results revealed she was a White Woman*

    "Oh... well thats unexpected. Yeah, but... isnt.. like... spain not considered White?"

    The bitch is about as stupid as they come.


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