Sunday, December 26, 2010

Great name for a SPORTS ILLUSTRATED swimsuit model

Leafing through my 2011 SI Swimsuit Calendar (you know me, I want to see what day Thanksgiving falls on this year), I came across this model.
How's this for a name?  Cintia Dicker

Noted without further comment.  From me at least.  


  1. The New York Post's Albany political reporter is named -- seriously -- Fred U. Dicker. And he looks nowhere near as good as Cintia, which is probably why Eliot Spitzer and Carl Paladino both hated him.

  2. "...I hardly even know her."

  3. Whoa, I wrapped a gift in a Land's End Canvas catalog and this girls face was staring at me all December. I guess I can say Dicker's face was staring at me.

  4. And don't forget the legendary furrier to the game shows...Dicker & Dicker of Beverly Hills

  5. (you know me, I want to see what day Thanksgiving falls on this year)

    It falls on the titty-third. You're welcome.

    I'm leaving my 2011 Maxim Hometown Hotties Page-a-Day calendar sealed until the proper midnight. That way, I can hope for treasure every day, without spoiling anything, or soiling anything too quickly.

  6. thomas tucker12/27/2010 1:36 PM

    My, that's a skinny Dicker.

  7. I wonder if she'd like a Dicken's Cider?

    Casmenwi: What Baastan women want for Christmas

  8. Reminds me of the twins, a girl and a boy, whose last name was Dover. Mom and Dad decided to have some fun with it and named them Eileen and Ben. What a way to have to go through life.

  9. OK...I wasn't going to comment, but it has been several weeks now and no one has mentioned her sister Ivana.


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