Saturday, December 25, 2010

My favorite Christmas video

Merry Christmas everybody!  And by everybody, I also mean the Jews.  Here's the fabulous Darlene Love.


  1. thanks for posting today. your blog is my new obsession and i get bummed out if there isn't a new post.

  2. I'm planning to run the Santa Clarita City Council today and repeal their insistence on breaking away from the County of Los Angeles library system, seeing as none of the council members actually own library cards, but foolishly believe that they know how the library system works.

    After that, maybe I'll play for the Lakers.

  3. Cute.

    Liked the part about Fiddler on the Roof played by actual Jewish actors.

    Was upset to see them ganging up on the Quaker, though. You read about Jewish gang violence all the time, but it's more shocking to see it for real.

    The boombox with Barbra Streisand music was a nice touch.

    Merry Christmas, Ken, thanks for a year's worth of great writing.

  4. I remember seeing this first run on SNL & immediately thinking, this is a classic. Aside from my own natural laughter, the sound of ongoing laughter from the audience vs. Pavlovian applause is a clue it's comedy gold.

  5. Always a joke about Jews eating Chinese at Christmas, and yet I always find it funny...

    Thanks for another great year of blog posts, Ken.

  6. Fa, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra ... Ra Ra Ra Ra

    Thanks for the posts Ken, and by the posts, I mean all year.


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