Sunday, December 12, 2010

One of these pictures is not of Hawaii

Three of these photos I took myself.  One I did not.  Can you guess which one?


  1. sally creeping down the alley12/12/2010 8:32 PM

    Hmm... could the picture [you didn't take] be the Metro Drome or whatever the Vikings are calling it these days?

  2. Hey, do you wanna sit in on the morning show at Lava 105 on the big island? (Or would you rather sit on the beach and stare into the bottom of your umbrella-covered drink?)

    Pat and Vanna were guests a few weeks ago.

    If you're on the big island, I'll get you there...

    ...I'll tell 'em you know all the words to "Wipeout."

    You're cool,



  3. Way to rub it in, dude.

    Either that, or you've got some serious schmutz on your camera lens.

  4. Love the photo of bride walking next to bikini clad person. Is the bride overdressed or the bikini underdressed?

  5. Having just yesterday returned from two glorious weeks on Maui, I'll take what crumbs of paradise you offer here. Sigh.

  6. RE: pic #4 -- Cheap way to give the people of Minneapolis an open-air stadium without spending all that taxpayer money...

  7. The temperature in L.A. yesterday hit 86 degrees...

    ...and didn't require a 2500 mile plane trip.

    Just sayin'.

  8. ...and the temperature in Cadillac, MI hit 8 degrees with 40 mph winds and 19 inches of snow.

    Thanks for the pretty pictures, Ken, and may I say from the bottom of my heart, may a lice-infested coconut fall on your nether regions. :-P

  9. I'm going with #2 being the non-Ken shot

  10. Sure. Kick us Minnesotans while we're down. We're either under 20+ inches of snow, -30ºF wind chills or both; our football stadium has proved to be about as durable as a Ziploc bag; and Michele Bachmann is still in the House of Representatives.

    All that's left is an invasion from Canada.

  11. I'm assuming that the lady in the white bikini is the Maid of Honor . . .


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