Thursday, December 02, 2010

What was in the envelope

For those who read my Patty Hearst kidnapping story and wondered just what was in the damn envelope, I can't say for sure but seem to recall it was a demand for free food distribution in the bay area.   Yes, they were terrorists and kidnappers and bank robbers, but maybe, just maybe, they heard me play "Begger's Banquet" and it melted their hearts. 


  1. That's what it was, the food demand. Patty Hearst's father spent millions on free food after that, but the SLA still wouldn't release her.

    The Hearst kidnapping was one of the first uses of remote viewing in a high-profile case, by the way.

    Pat Price, one of the early remote viewers at Stanford Research Institute, visited the Berkeley Police Department, and identified the kidnapper of Patty Hearst from hundreds of mug shots. He did thsi two days after the kidnapping. Price then remote-viewed the location of the kidnap car and took the police to it.

    Some of Pat Price's work for the government, now declassified and released, is even more astonishing. Amazing guy.

  2. I've always wondered- did they ever liberate Symbion?

  3. Yes, this is very exciting.

  4. Pat Price was amazing at providing info that in no way actually helped the Hearst situation, and she later became a member of the SLA. Just about as useful as when Uri Gellar said Helga Farkas was still alive when she had already been murdered in 1992 or how the woman that "Medium" is based on has never actually solved a single case.

    Shawn Spencer is the only good psychic detective, and that's just because he is actually a good detective.

  5. Didn't your then-governor express a wish that the food for the poor be contaminated with botulin? I think his name was Hogan, or Regan, or something like that. Whatever happened to him?


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