Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere

As I continue in Phoenix calling Mariners' games (12:55 today on 710 ESPN in Seattle and MLB.COM), thought you might enjoy these actual magazine ads from Don Draper's day.   Noted without comment except to say, JESUS EFFIN' CHRIST!!?"


  1. See. Once upon a time gay only meant fun.

  2. Wonder what they'll be saying about the e*trade baby in 50 years...

  3. Hilarious. I think the last two are of a little older vintage than Draper's, aren't they?

  4. "Who's the fag with the puppets?" LOL! LOL! Julie

  5. "In ancient times?" I still greet friends and family with "How are your bowels?" And my wife answers her phone "Ahoy hoy!"

  6. Please Don't Eat Me3/26/2011 8:12 AM

    Sadly, if the Tea Bag Party has its way, we won't be laughing anymore.

  7. Hey, it's Kukla and Ollie. And my mom has that vacuum cleaner, still. It weighs about 50#.

  8. "Keep your head cool, your feet warm and your bowels open" is a good rule to follow.

    If you're sitting on the toilet - yes.
    Driving, at your desk, in a meeting - not so good.

  9. Hey Ken ... you sound great on the Mariners game.

  10. Don't know why we need the tea party. The other two parties have done such a great job.

  11. Mac, I promise you that if you keep your bowels open, then you will be in the shortest meeting of your life.

    I wish I had seen the Tipalet ad while in high school because I would have gotten laid more often. Why did no one tell me I needed to smoke a pansy's cigar followed by exhaling in front of her? Information for life.

  12. Those Colts are now moderately collectible, and fetch over ten times what they originally sold for. Comparable or even higher than prices for current production pistols in the same class. The fellow who bought himself one for Christmas back in the '50s got a gift that lasted a lifetime, and which he or his heirs could always sell for more than he paid, even after accounting for inflation. It's basically a free gun, and a very nice target model at that, with excellent American craftsmanship.

    If you get some free time while you're in Arizona, you should stop by the Scottsdale Gun Club and rent a S&W model 41 target pistol. It's the closest thing you'll find to that Woodsman these days. Originates from the same era, but unlike the Colts, is still being made. Just costs $1,000 now, instead of $84.50.

    But it's all worth it the first time you put two shots through the same hole.

  13. "Should a gentleman offer a Tiparillo to a lady...And what if he does? Baby, it's all right..."

  14. Ken, did you see Aaron Sorkin's bit on this week's "30 Rock"? If not, it's worth looking up -- a good episode even if he weren't on it: "TGS" is going on hiatus; and everybody, maybe especially the writers, is wondering what to do next.

  15. Just when I thought the writers of Mad Men were exaggerating a bit...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Something tells me they didn't do a whole lot of customer research in those days.

  18. Kukla and Ollie were not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it. Kukla only cared about MaryJane (as in how much he could smoke) and Ollie was banging Beulah Witch AND Madam Ooglepuss in threesomes.

  19. I wish I could remember which cigarette company had magazine ads featuring a doctor recommending their smokes. (Old Gold?)

    I always enjoy the commercial art that goes along with many of those old ads.

    Goodbye, magazines! It was nice having you around.

    wv: eplici - A bad Italian seizure

  20. Oh "Give yourself a Christmas present" with the revolver made me howl with laughter so hard, I scared my cats. I wonder, is the gift you're supposed to give yourself the gun, or just a bullet to the brain?

    Nothing says "Peace on Earth; Good will towards man" better than a lethal weapon.

  21. My wife, Laura Ainsworth, does a live one-woman musical comedy show called "Keep Young & Beautiful!," satirizing age and beauty pressures. As part of the pre-show entertainment, we created a slide show that alternates quotes from famous people about age and beauty with horrifying old ads like these that played off of women's paranoia about their age or looks. We now have a huge collection of them.

    My favorite of the lot is a closeup of a woman looking at her worried expression reflecting back from a handheld mirror. The caption is, "If your husband were as honest as your mirror, would he say... 'You're looking older, dear'?"

    I guess that woman's husband was smarter than he was honest, so he kept his mouth shut.

  22. At least in 1949, more doctors Camels -

    Even funnier is the priest who suggests a divine cigarette endorsement in the commercial parody in Woody Allen's Bananas -

  23. If I forgot to take my Midol and PEP vitamins, and then my husband gave me a vacuum cleaner for Christmas and blew smoke in my face, he would definitely be getting a Colt revolver - to clear his bowels. Then I would park the kids in front of the Motorola TV and take off on a gay cruise.

  24. I have always loved old advertisements. There was a beautiful series of books put out about 5 years or so ago called All American Ads. Each book took a decade (except for 1901-1920 which was in one book) and reproduced print advertisements from the period. The books are about as large as an old Sears catalog. They also made an abridged version that was about the size of a paperback book. Great books if you like these kinds of ads.

  25. Charles, quite a few cigarette companies used doctors' "endorsements" -- Camel, Chesterfield, and Phillip Morris come to mind immediately. I'm sure there were others. Also, watch some of the older b/w movies on TCM. If there is a doctor's office used as a set, the doctor is almost always smoking while talking to the patients.

  26. Many people don't believe us when we tell them our moms brought us up this way. And we continue to live like that. The good ol' days are still today at Stepford Wives Organization! Come visit us!

  27. Charles H. Bryan said...

    I wish I could remember which cigarette company had magazine ads featuring a doctor recommending their smokes. (Old Gold?)

    It was "Nine out of ten doctors prefer Camels." The other would rather date a girl.

  28. I saw a bad old science fiction movie in which an astronaut got a physical after returning from space. As he was dressing he and the doctor lit up cigarettes in the examination room.

  29. I've seen the "shocked, shocked" reaction to ads like these around the Internet, from people who apparently think nothing in our current culture will be evaluated differently about 30 to 40 years down the line. At any rate, I found it more interesting to delve into the "origin" of the Tipalet ad, and in fact, did a post on it recently:


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