Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Women I love

Here’s who I have major crushes on (this week)…
Margo Martindale – If she doesn’t win an Emmy this year there is no justice and no JUSTIFIED. At least this season. Margo is a wonderful character actress whose portrayal of Mags Bennett on JUSTIFIED is so deliciously evil she steals every scene she’s in. And that’s not easy when she’s playing against Timothy Oliphant or that mongoloid family of hers.

Aubrey Plaza – Amy Poehler and Rashida Jones get all the kudos but Aubrey’s deadpan attitude makes me laugh every time. Her timing is impeccable.

Abbie Cornish – Those of you saying “Who?” won’t be saying that long. She starred in LIMITLESS and is just on the verge of breaking out. Beautiful, plays smart, and has a real presence. This was even apparent in ROBOT CHICKEN. Best thing to come out of Australia since the Bloomin’ Onion.

Kathleen Madigan – Just simply the funniest, sharpest comedienne working today. Imagine a female comic whose act isn’t endless Lesbian jokes or crass insults.

Julianna Margulies – They should change the title of her show to THE GREAT WIFE. I love how real she is and how subtle. It’s especially noticeable when she plays opposite Norma Desmond… I mean Christine Baranski.

Carrie Fisher – In between shock treatments she remains wickedly funny.

Julie Bowen – Finally getting the chance to show what a good physical comedienne she is on MODERN FAMILY. And to me she’s sexier than SofĂ­a Vergara. Call me crazy but I’ll take the girl-next-door over Charo.

Nicole Atkins – Singer/songwriter with a voice that’s been compared to Roy Orbison. Her music is sort of ‘60s Brill Building meets David Lynch. Also was excellent in an American Express commercial, which is how I judge all talent.

Teresa Strasser – Heard locally in Los Angeles every morning on 790 KABC but formerly Adam Carolla’s radio sidekick, author, journalist, Emmy winning writer, and host of talk shows on cable networks no one ever watches. Funny in any medium. Has probably appeared on more Countdown Shows than any other human being since the dawn of time.

Grace Park – A stand-out in BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, she’s totally wasted on HAWAII 5-0. I don’t know what happened. At first she was this bikini-clad badass action hero. Now she’s been reduced to cross checking fingerprints for McGarrett.

Carolyn Hennesey – Sorry Courtney, I watch COUGAR TOWN to see Carolyn. She makes me laugh way more than you. And I’m sure if I gave a crap about soap operas I would like her on GENERAL HOSPITAL, too.

and finally:

My wife -- so these other girls are safe from me hitting on them. 


  1. Ditto on Julie Bowen. I've loved her since she played Carol Vessey on the sadly under-appreciated "Ed." (When is that show going to be available on DVD?) She's so good in Modern Family.

  2. Ditto as well on Kathleen Madigan. I first heard her when she was a recent guest on a progressive radio talk show and was hilarious. One of those times when you think: "Oh my god. Who is this person? I have to find everything he or she has done."

  3. Actually, that should read "...everything he (or she) has done." Though no doubt there are funny hermaphrodites in the world.

  4. Carolyn Hennesey: "I let it grow long for winter." I'm holding back tears now, just remembering that line, her delivery, and the other character's reactions.

  5. Abbie Cornish also starred in SOMERSAULT the Australian film has won more Australian 'Oscars' than any other and was also in CANDY opposite Heath Ledger.

  6. There's a really good song by Fountains of Wayne called Comedienne that reminds me of Kathleen Madigan and Stephanie Miller everytime I hear it...


  7. Ditto to what Steve said regarding Julie Bowen and "Ed". Unfortunately, I think the problem with the DVD is the licensing fees for all of the music used on the show..

  8. I can't help but hear this as "Hank's Thoughts" in my head...

  9. The Great Wife indeed! However, Ken, I must ask a question: what was your reaction to the storyline this past week with the Hugo Chavez sub-plot and Fred Thompson trotting (lumbering) out? To me, it was a major distraction and a jump-the-shark moment.

  10. Ditto on Aubrey Plaza -- there was a wonderful moment in this season's second episode "The Flu," when April is just buzzing the nurse (Ann Perkins) to be nasty -- the evil little smile on her face is comic perfection

  11. Yeah April Ludgate really makes my day every time P&Rec is on :-)

    The show has gotten so good overall. Next to 30 Rock my favorite comedy on TV at the moment.

  12. Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
    Comedienne and total fox.

  13. Not to worry, Ken, you'll never have to make a choice between Julie and Sofia. Nor will any of us. I'll vote with Mac...Julia Louis-Dreyfus is drop dead beautiful and a big-ol-load of funny. New Adven...Old Christine was consistently laugh out loud funny and Julia was terrific. Kathleen is hilarious and has been for a long, long time. Catch her w/Lewis Black on Comedy Central? I'm sure there's some YouTubes of their collaborations.

  14. You dare speak ill of the goddess Baranski? It's pistols at dawn for you, my friend!

  15. Michael Zand4/19/2011 9:10 AM

    Hmm, Julie Bowen over Sofia Vergara? While I don't completely disagree with you, (I'd have to marry both to be sure) I think there's a bit of the "unattainable shiksa" thing going on here. All those hot, blonde cheerleaders in high school who guys like us were invisible to... You think?

  16. Thanks, Ken.

    I don't have a television, so I miss the chance to see singers and actresses as they're building their careers.

    A woman who reminds you of Roy Orbison, that's the first listening project today.

  17. You mean hot Latin girls were attracted to nerdy Jewish guys in high school? How did I miss this???

  18. Margo Martindale, loved her on The Riches also.

  19. I love Margo! She was one of many highlights in "The Riches".

    And Kathleen Madigan is a big hit here in St. Louis. When she is in town and does her bit specific to StL, she brings the house down.


  20. 4birds...great minds, etc. :-)

    I loved Ed. And I remember being really pissed off because 4 shows I watched along with Ed were cancelled the same year. I had nothing the next fall.


  21. Definitely Julie Bowen. I didn't catch Ed, but you don't go unnoticed as a guest star on LOST who was married to the lead character. She was gorgeous then as she is now.

    I liked Julianna Margulies back in her ER days. I really don't like the extreme makeover they've given the actress for The Good Wife. I loved her natural earthly beauty back when she played Chicago's favorite nurse.

  22. Carrie Fisher seems effortlessly funny, and just reading the reviews of her books often brings me to tears of open laughter.

    I love her as a writer, although I am grateful to George Lucas for reminding us that there is no underwear in space....

  23. There is nothing in the post I can disagree with (although as a woman, I have to say I would be thrilled if I look like either Julie Bowman or Sofia Vergara), but the standout to me is Margo Martindale.

    Whenever I see her on screen I KNOW I'm going to get a great, layered performance, whatever the program is. I did a little snoopy dance when I'd found out she was on Justified this season and while I love the show, I feel little pangs of sadness when there is an episode she isn't in.

    I'd love to see her square off against Kathy Bates in something. Both formidable actresses that bring a lot to the table talent-wise.

  24. Love Teresa Strasser -- funny, smart, and delightfully neurotic.

  25. Michael Zand4/19/2011 10:31 AM

    I don't how you missed it, Ken. As for me, skinny, big ears and myopic, I was catnip to all those hot Latina girls. I had to beat them off with a stick.

  26. Please forgive me for writing this, but I am so attracted to the female anchors on Fox News.

    I know. I know. But, I can't help myself. It's not like the other news channels don't have attractive anchors, but Fox News has so many hot ones. And they run the spectrum of humanity from Megyn Kelly to to Patty Ann Brown to Harris Faulkner to Julie Banderas. FNC is like a UN of hot women, which is ironic because they hate the UN.

    And their bench is so deep. When you lose Laurie Dhue, Suzanne Sena (now playing Brook Alverez on Onion News Network) and Lauren Sivan and still have more hot anchors than MSNBC and CNN put together, it's not fair.

    I guess I'll have to turn the sound down and listen to NPR.

  27. "and finally:

    My wife -- so these other girls are safe from me hitting on them."

    Nice save, Ken. The Dodgers may be calling you for some bullpen help soon.

  28. Another Bowen/ED fan here. In movies, I love Emma Stone, who seems primed to break big and become overexposed any second.

    I haven't seen Teresa Strasser in a good while, but I know her from when she dated a friend of mine. She is truly as awesome, smart and funny as those in the know are saying.

  29. Ken, your blog hates me. It keeps eating comments. I swear I'm not using objectionable language.

    Carolyn Hennesey is a standout on General Hospital. She serves and volleys dialogue with the speed and precision of a Grand Slam ace. Her facial expressions are priceless and she's no slouch at physical comedy either. Love her!

  30. Have you had a chance to watch the series condluding Season 5 of "Friday Night Lights", either on Direct TV or on DVD?
    A spectacular achievment in every respect, and one of the greatest dramatic series of all time, in my opinion. Can you send a little love along to the wonderful
    and amazing Connie Britton as
    "Tammy Taylor?"

  31. Margo Martindale is indeed doing stellar work on "Justified"; she's matched by Michelle Forbes on "The Killing." Gut-wrenching stuff from both of them. But given their venues (FX and AMC), I'm not holding my breath for either of them to get even a nomination.

  32. I know you don't swing "that way" but what guy actors do it for you?

  33. Connie Britton. FNL Season 5 (finally on NBC). 'nuff said.

    Also Kristan Schaal's work on Bob's Burgers, despite only hearing her voice, has been FANTASTIC!

  34. Re: Margo Martindale. Yes, I agree with Carson. As soon as I saw her on Justified I was thrilled. I knew the character was going to be central to the plot and haven't been at all disappointed by the amazing work she's done.

    Wow. Just... wow.

  35. Agree with Kathleen Madigan. A female comic with actual material. God, I am sick of the Chelsea Handler school of female stand-ups who think that dishing out foul-mouthed insults and blabbing endlessly about how sloppy drunk/stoned they like to get and how many guys they've gang-banged equals hilarity. It's garbage when guy comics do it, and the novelty is long gone from hearing women do it.

    I get it: you're a drunken slut! Got ANYTHING else?!

  36. None of Reese Witherspoon's fans are saying "Who?"

    To them, Abbie Cornish will always be known first and foremost as the hussy who seduced Ryan Phillipe away from his family. And how much do you want to bet that our dirt hungry media will mention that relationship in every article about her for many, many years to come? Oh, and she also happens to be in Sucker Punch, which is currently in theaters...and brings me to a question.

    According to boxofficemojo.com, the production budget for Sucker Punch, was $82 million. The movie opened March 25th and has grossed about $35 million domestically and $43 million internationally, for a total of $78 million worldwide.

    Now, I'm under the impression that the net from foreign sales is a smaller percentage than that from domestic sales. Also, I know there is more income to be had from DVDs, cable and TV sales. On the other hand,the production budget doesn't include marketing, does it?

    What I'd like to know is: how likely is it that this movie will recover its costs and/or provide a profit for its producers?

    A related question: Is it still difficult for people to get their money from studios? I'm still reading every now and then about people suing studios for their share of the profit, but I'd have thought that modern day computer bookkeeping would have put an end to that sort of thing.

    I don't know why, but I just have this idea that you know everything. Maybe it's your Friday questions that make you seem a little like the Wizard of Oz...not that I expect you to start issuing body parts any time soon.

  37. Amen to Margo Martindale!

    Really hope she gets an Emmy nod!

    Admittedly I didn't know her name til recently but I always noticed her in the many bit parts she's had. Really glad she got a chance to shine for once.

  38. Let's hear it for Gabrielle Anwar! Aw heck, let's hear it for Burn Notice in general. Well cast from stem to stern (and viva to Sharon Gless, too!) and Anwar's English accent is so well hidden, I didn't even know she was English until I looked her up in iMDB. Having grown up looking at so many women in adventure yarns who existed only to be saved and mostly because they tripped and fell, it's great to see a woman who is every bit as smart and resourceful as the lead, although almost as loose a cannon as Walter Mosley's "Mouse" in his Easy Rawlins mysteries.

  39. I just saw the movie Win Win (good but not great) and Margo had a small part as a lawyer. These are the actors we remember and I'll bet they have to balance their checkbook and use coupons.

    Justified is a weekly exercise in good writing - the honcho Marshal's (forget his name) slow speed chase involving bad knees and an oxygen tank at the airport was a classic.

  40. Grace Park! Awesome. Hawaii Five-0 does not do her justice.

  41. Btw, Ken, thanks for recommending Nicole Atkins last month. _Neptune City_ is one of the most beautiful records I have heard in a long time. I loved that strong dreamlike melancholy sound.

    A Friday question: have you any The Doors/Jim Morrison related anecdotes? Have you met them?

  42. jon88: Hold out hope -- being on FX and AMC didn't seem to hurt the Emmy chances of several cast members of Damages, The Shield, Mad Men and Breaking Bad.


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