Friday, July 29, 2011

Beaver Cleaver is back on the air

My past has caught up with me.  Great Big Radio is playing a two-hour restored broadcast of one of my radio shows back when I was Beaver Cleaver on B100 San Diego in 1976.  So for those of you who gotta have the bump, have a love hangover, or want to win passes to see that great new movie ODE TO BILLIE JOE starring Glynis O'Connor at the Grossmont Cinema, tune in to Great Big Radio. 

I'm on starting at 11 PM EDT and replayed at 11 PM PDT.  You can hear it here. I was certifiably insane in those days.  Enjoy.


  1. "There is no truth to the rumor that Helen Reddy is a son of a butch."

    What kind of trouble did lines like that get you?

    Good times--thanks for the stroll down memory lane!

  2. And you are different today....HOW?

  3. Trouble? I just heard you do a top-of-the-hour station ID as "KFM-B-FM, San FRANCISCO". Did the FCC get you for that?

    You obviously did not think highly of the Captain of Captain & Tennille...

    And a joke about the heat and getting stuck on a plastic toilet seat?!? A total shock jock.

  4. Hey, "Ode to Billy Joe" might not have been a great movie, but a lot of guys like me sat through it back then and even endured Robby Benson just to gawk at Glynnis O'Connor. I'll bet she's the most lusted-after, least-celebrated (unjustly) actress of her era.

    VW: bluer. As in, "These days, you'd have to work a lot bluer."

  5. Or as Michael Johnson would say: "Bluer than blue".

    Damn, Ken, you were good. And thanks to GBR guy for running it.color


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