Saturday, July 16, 2011


In honor of Carmageddon here's a very funny video.  They have been alternate versions but this is one devoted to LA's current situation -- the 405 Freeway, which connects the Valley to the Westside is closed all weekend for repairs.  Look, when you're talking comedy gold, you can't beat Hitler.   For the folks in Los Angeles, you might as well watch.  You're not going anywhere.


  1. If you speak German, that's a fractal exercise in schizoid black humor and horror.

  2. Hehe... LA has a subway. Cracks me up every time.

    Too bad I understand German, "Der Untergang" isn't half as funny when you know what they are really saying :-)

  3. Classic!

    Just drove from Tarzana to Downtown LA and back. The 101 was clear, but I'm sure it's gonna get worse as the day goes on.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Loved it!
    Also, I realized that 4 years of high school German are LONG gone.

  6. From an article on the 405, in which a psychiatrist from Cedars-Sinai offers some tips:

    "Among Dr. Waguih William IsHak’s advice: avoid road rage at all costs, apologize profusely to anyone you accidentally cut off in traffic..."

    Oh yeah, and be sure that all your affairs are in order before climbing into that car!

  7. Ken, a great post, but I hope you don't have any current projects with Spielberg...

  8. Apparently, at least in the early reports the L.A. Freeways are moving about like the Autobahn, since like with the '84 Olympics, all the traffic jam forecasts may turn Carmegeddon into the Comet Kahoutek of SoCal freeway tie-ups.

  9. here is some thing special for guys check this out...

  10. Rudolph Hess Gasoline7/16/2011 12:24 PM

    2 years of HS German and not once did ol Adolph ask where is the library?

  11. Thank you, Ken. That was hilarious!


    When he said the thing about somebody cutting their nails on the bus - and then it cut to the woman outside who bursts into tears - and the other woman says don't worry, he doesn't know it was you - I spontaneously burst into loud laughter!

    @Rudolph - that cracked me up, as not once have I ever needed to utter the word "biblioteca" for any other reason than that it's fun to say.

  12. this isn't even remotely on topic but I had to share anyway.

    A friend who runs a bird/duck/winged creature rescue posted this on Facebook

    Busy day for herons, the last one made it in just under midnight so he counts too. Juvenile herons have a high mortality rate their first year and we get a lot around this time when they are trying to make their way in the world.

    another duck/chicken/who knows what else caretaker replied

    Making your way in the world today takes everything you got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you wanna go where every heron knows your name. Where they're always glad you came. Sorry... got sidetracked there for a second.

  13. Ken, I rely on you almost nightly. I swear to god if you ever stop this blog I may never laugh again.

    ...Wish you were on the radio for the 116 Anniversary tonight - it was a blast to listen to.

  14. Thanks, Pamela Jaye }} You made me Laugh so hard....

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hitler mentioned he drives a Prius.

    Here in Northern California, I visited Berkeley Marina on Saturday and saw a Prius with the license plate LAX TAXI. Guess they're staying away till the 405 reopens.

    Funny mashup. Decades from now, a lot of people will think Hitler was an actor who appeared mostly in sub-titled mashups.

    In watching other mashups with this video, I always felt a bit sorry for the girl in the hall who bursts into tears. This time, she has a role as the one who sat on the bus next to Hitler and worked on her nails. Good.

  17. Our traffic expert Michael Hagerty, conferring with our legal expert and L.A. resident Bill(y) Pearl, informed me that things wouldb't be as bad as expected, despite (thanks to?0 the media hype.

  18. @J S Swanson thanks (although I didn't write it. glad you liked it.)
    I'm reminded: the theme to Cheers is one of those songs that I love more than the show it's from. Another would be Friends. Wonder if they were ever in the same timeslot... 8pm seems a bit early for Cheers.

    As for Carmageddon, I heard that even the driver in the high speed chase got the message and avoided the 405.
    PS: What movie is this? I've seen it used more than once.
    I swear, my catcha is Palin.

  19. HAHA :) this carmageddon stuff has been SO ridiculous. the freeways have been so clear.

    I even made men and women t shirts making fun of carmageddon and they are actually doing pretty well. can you check them out and maybe even feature them on here?? i would so appreciate it!
    Here's the men's one!

  20. I don't speak German; but every subtitled specialized version I've seen has been ROTFLMAO funny.

  21. Officials said during the closure, which ended over 12 hours ahead of schedule, there were 65 percent fewer automobiles on freeways in the LA metro area, compared with normal weekend traffic. We should have Carmageddon every week!

  22. Do you suppose Bruno Ganz gets some sort of residual every time one of these videos appears on You Tube?

  23. Craigy Ferg (who is just fantastic) just remarked about Carmageddon...

    "It was long, it was hard, and it was really hairy."*

    *By the way, my word verifier is "imptor," which I believe should be the live-action He-Man villain name for a Pia Zadora character.


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