Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is Sleeping Beauty really about?

Lots of discussion in the comments section today about what SLEEPING BEAUTY is. See if you can decipher from this trailer what the plot is.

Actually, my description -- although in jest -- was half right. A girl joins a brothel where the johns prefer the prostitutes to be drugged during, uh... client consultations. Sounds like a Sunday drive into some serious sick subject matter.  On the other hand, if you're on a first date and the guy takes you to this, you have a bit of a glimpse into just who he is. 

Heaven help the moms who gather their kiddies around the TV and pop in this movie that they ordered off of Netflix thinking it was the Disney version of SLEEPING BEAUTY.

My Fall Movie Preview wraps up tomorrow.


  1. Random Australian8/17/2011 8:48 PM

    Not a very good movie, regrettably - relatively few Australian movies score an international release, so it seems kind of pointless for us to foist duds on the rest of the world.

    On the other hand, for anyone who's ever wanted to see Emily Browning naked - this movie's for you!

  2. They needed Emily Browning naked in the trailer to get my attention.

  3. Powerhouse Salter8/17/2011 11:08 PM

    The source material would be a Japanese novella called HOUSE OF THE SLEEPING BEAUTIES. I guess that bastardizing the story for a western audience called for slashing the lovely title and dropping the key storyline of impotent old men paying to sleep beside drugged women in a house of prostitution.

  4. If you see "Jane Campion" on the credits, the piano playing ain't going to be by Uncle Walt.

  5. The script was astonishingly bad for something that had received financial backing. Basically, it's an attempt at high-brown porn. There was more description of the girl's lingerie than there was of the girl herself. Total garbage.

  6. Must...... resist..... joke about..... high-brown porn.....

  7. I had a source, a school board member, who took all of her girlfriends to see that cute cartoon movie, Monster's Inc. They ended up in Monster.

  8. A woman shows she can make soft lit, soft focused, soft core porn as badly as any man. There.

    The riddle of this movie is solved.


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