Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Tweets

For those of you who don’t follow me yet on Twitter, I got on a tweet jag this morning. Here are my latest Halloween tweets.

When I worked at MTM everyone who wasn't a girl dressed as Mary Tyler Moore for Halloween.

2 worlds collide on ONCE UPON A TIME as Storybrooke citizens dress as fairy tale characters for Halloween. "Hey, this costume really fits."

Kids! Don't go to Frank McCourt's house. He's selling trick or treat candy.

For Halloween Lady Gaga is dressing as mousy Italian girl from New York.

Kim Kardashian files for divorce. This is why her weddings need to be televised LIVE.

Okay, this one's gonna stick -- Kim Kardashian & Hugh Hefner.

This year for Halloween I'm going as the Ken Levine who created BioShock.


  1. Here's one for friday: I see alot of writers who make "comebacks" writing for shows in 2011 and their last imdb credit is in 94-95, what do you do for that long outside the business and how do you comeback?

  2. "For Halloween Lady Gaga is dressing as mousy Italian girl from New York."

    Ha ha! Spot on - she can't wait to hang up her work clothes (all that steak) and put on something really freaky - like a blouse and a skirt.

  3. Ha ha! Spot on - she can't wait to hang up her work clothes (all that steak) and put on something really freaky - like a blouse and a skirt.

    Or she could compromise with a skirt steak.

    (sorry, Ken, but the "replies" section of this post was looking pretty anemic, so I'm trying to help build it up)

  4. "When I worked at MTM everyone who wasn't a girl dressed as Mary Tyler Moore for Halloween."

    No message at all there. Bravo!

  5. Chas Cunningham10/31/2011 10:18 PM

    Of the guys who dressed as MTM, did they mostly go as Mary Richards in career wear or Laura Petrie in Capri pants?

  6. Where are you going to find enough hundred dollar notes for your costume, Ken?

  7. ha ha ha big ups for the ga-ga line :-)


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