Saturday, December 10, 2011

My favorite Christmas video

This is Christmas For the Jews by Darlene Love (a la the Phil Spector Christmas album) originally done for SNL written by the brilliant Robert Smigel (aka Triumph the Insult Comic Dog).  If this doesn't put you in the spirit, nothing will. 


  1. The jews is loose!

    Love Robert Smigel. He's everything good and right with comedy. Perfect mix of funny, irreverent, smart, jews, and pooping on.

  2. And don't forget Southpark's A Jew on Christmas:

  3. and don't for get pray for me on this Christmas

  4. Michael in Vancouver12/11/2011 11:48 AM

    Great video, and a good demonstration of your comment the other day, Ken: "I’m not a fan of laugh tracks... They’re intrusive and artificial."

  5. Its really an excellent post. I make sure to visit this atleast once in a week.

  6. For the geographically impaired (outside the USA):

  7. And of course, there's this classic from 2008. "All I Want For Christmas is Jews."

  8. > Great video, and a good demonstration of your comment the other day, Ken: "I’m not a fan of laugh tracks... They’re intrusive and artificial."

    This is no laugh track but the audience of "Saturday Night Live" you can hear in the background.

  9. I used to work at "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" and got to know Robert Smigel. The guy is everything you think a comedy writer should be - unshaven, disheveled and absolutely brilliant. He used to come in a lot to do the Clutch Cargo segments or Triumph and it amazed me that he would ask the interns their opinions on the piece. When one of the interns mentioned this, Smigel said, "You're my audience. You're the guys I'm writing for and I want to know what you think."

    Again, a brilliant - and nice - writer.


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