Saturday, March 31, 2012

If Microsoft made the iPod

This is a hilarious video.  Apple is as concerned with its packaging as it is with its product.  Clean, cool, elegant.  Microsoft, on the other hand, is... well... Microsoft.  Here is what the iPod box would look like if Microsoft made it. 


  1. Hehe... "Jackass" is posting funny Apple videos :-D

  2. As the video hints, this has been making the rounds since 2005. Funny, but what's most interesting about it is that it allegedly was produced BY MICROSOFT, as an internal "what not to do" lesson.

  3. Yeah pretty old - it has a Napster logo!

  4. :D
    Reminded me of Craig Ferguson spanking Microsoft.

  5. Per at least one source, it was a Microsoft internal video created by their packaging team to highlight the challenges they have faced in the past.

  6. I can confirm that from a second source, who also notes their packaging has gotten a lot better as a result.


  7. Yep. It's a great video. Very well made. It says a lot of the stuff we all wanted to tell Microsoft... So they followed it's advice when they released the Zune.

    Sadly the Zune, despite being an awesome product (with nice packaging), didn't do well.

    I still don't understand how such a cool product failed. The only thing I can think of is that it was associated with Microsoft.

  8. The Microsoft iPod wouldn't look as nice (either packaging or product), and would have a far clunkier interface.

    On the other hand, you would be able to manage it from any platform, you could back it up, it would have a replaceable battery and a screen that didn't scratch if you looked at it funny.

    Swings and roundabouts,

  9. Hey Ken have you seen this video:

    Made me laugh!

  10. A day in the life of most designers, don't you think?


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