Sunday, April 01, 2012

A great April Fool's Joke... on ME

Someone emailed to congratulate me on being considered for one of TIME magazine's 100 most influential people in the world.   This was a big thrill until I realized that it was the other Ken Levine who was being considered -- the one who creates epic video games. 

Still, I had to marvel at what an elaborate April Fool's prank this was on me.  I mean, TIME magazine was in on it.  Fortunately, I figured this out almost immediately (because, really -- me among the 100 most influential people of the world -- who are we kidding?) and didn't gloat to my friends, have stationery printed up, or rub it in the faces of those girls in high school who wouldn't go out with me (not that I haven't gotten over that).

But then the thought occurred: Last year TIME magazine named my blog one of the Top 25 on the web.  Was that meant for the other Ken Levine too?  Turns out, no.  It was my blog singled out.   I am so relieved.  I would hate to have to call all those girls back and tell them it wasn't my blog after all.  

In any event, best of luck to the other Ken Levine.    If it can't be me, at least let it be someone mistaken for me. 


  1. Right. You are so over that one.

    It's not like you had to write about a whole book about that time or anything...


  2. Is creating amazing videogames 'influential'?
    Still, it's just a panel of people's decision, and doesn't actually impact anything. Ken Levine still does great stuff either way.

    Also you're okay too.

  3. Just read your pitching pilots blog from 2008.

    Question: When pitching, and if accepted, how is it budgeted? Do you calculate ahead of time what the production costs are, talent, profit, contingency, etc? Or does the studio/network say . . "we'll buy it and we'll pay 16 gazillion dollars for a 13 week firm commitment." ?

    How do you budget for a show? Where do you go to learn the business stuff, as opposed to creative?

    Also . . . as I read through your archives and see something I'd like to comment on or question, do I comment there? Or do I bring it to the current blog? Comments on archived copies . . . do they arrive on your desk or are they something you'd have to search out?

    Still getting used to your system and blog but need to know how to comment and/or otherwise communicate with you.



  4. And now you can grow a TickleMe Plant that moves and closes its leaves when Tickled.

  5. Aw Ken, influence is in the eye of the beholder!

    You influence my nights by giving me light, fun, insightful, funny stuff to read.

    Meanwhile, am not a video game fan.

    You rock, Ken Levine!

  6. I really was honestly excited to see you involved with video games too until I realized it wasn't you. Never having met a Ken Levine IRL there sure are quite a few of you.

  7. Chet Swanson4/02/2012 12:22 AM

    Just a quick note, I just finished your book. Way funny, it was a great, quick read. Thanks - Chet

  8. Very funny! I just read something written by the OTHER Ken Levine and, even though I know about the two of you, for a moment I thought, I didn't know Ken did video games too. Isn't he doing baseball stuff?


  9. "If it can't be me, at least let it be someone mistaken for me." Just wanted to let you know, Ken, that I am stealing that line -- preferably for my headstone.

  10. K.M. Richards4/02/2012 4:41 PM

    Sure, the "other" Ken Levine may be considered influential for creating video games ... but how does he pronounce "Levine"?


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