Sunday, May 20, 2012

Here it is -- My new book cover

Here it is. The cover of my new book, coming out within weeks or sooner. Also, I have a new website dedicated to the book. Feel free to check it out.
And to answer your question: the girl on the left is Ann Jillian; the one on the right -- you'll to have to read the book.


  1. Awesomeness. Looking forward to reading!

  2. If you're print-on-demanding and Kindling this (or any other method where you haven't already sent the final cover files in), please consider a small correction. You have the wrong single-quote character before the 60; it should be an apostrophe (i.e., pointing down to the left), and what you have their is an opening single quote (pointing down to the right). It's an easy typographic mistake to make; most systems, when you type an apostrophe character after a space, assume you're opening up a quote, for which the single quote would be correct... but '60s is an abbreviation, and thus gets an apostrophe.

    1. What you have there is a misuse of the word their.

  3. Excellent! Congrats!

    If you ever need help building a website, let me know. No charge.

  4. I don't know if the problem is mine or not, but when I clicked on the To Order on Amazon image/option; nothing happened.

  5. I thought you'd call it WHERE THE HELL DID I COME FROM?

  6. LOVE the title!

  7. Will it be available in the iBookStore (to read in iBooks on my iPad?)

  8. I am very disappointed.

    Natalie Wood should have been on the cover.

  9. Congrats Ken. Looking forward to reading it.

  10. Good luck with the book. I look forward to reading it.

    I'm not the biggest Rick Rizzs fan (for one thing, the biggest Rick Rizzs fan is Ken Levine) but I heard the bottom of the ninth today and he was simply marvelous. All he did was call the action and let the action work for itself. It was a clinic in how to broadcast a nailbiter.

  11. Family Guy did a "Point of View" hommage in episode 22 yesterday (S10E22) called "Point of Stew" from the perspective of Stewie Griffin.

    Last segment, two thirds in.

  12. @Nat Gertler while you are correct about the apostrophe rule, i believe the font used in the cover probably doesn't have different characters for apostrophe/quotation.

  13. Ken, i just took a look at the site for your book and i had to ask...why no endorsement from Roseanne?

  14. Nat - at least use the proper form of ^their^ if you,re going to be so technical. Punctuation is one thing, but poor speling mustakes be another real bad thing. Ya"know what i*d be saying

  15. Congratulations, Ken! This is a read I'm looking forward to.

  16. Whoops, yes, I mistheired! Don't use my quote on the cover of your book! (And I doubt that the font only has the opening single-quote as the sole single quote/apostrophe; a font limited to a single single quote will usually be either the closing single quote or a straight quote.

    And I forgot to express my genuine hope that the book sells tons, correctly quoted or not.

  17. Congratulations! I stumbled upon your blog two weeks ago and have now made it a part of my daily reading routine. I'm not a writer nor am I a huge baseball follower, but your style and your stories are awesome! I can't wait to pick up the book.

  18. I like the cover very much. It's modern and bold, the font is very legible and elicits the appropriate era, and perhaps most importantly, the cover image looks great when reduced to a small size, which is necessary these days. Congratulations.

    And the apostrophe doesn't bother me.

  19. Jeffrey Leonard5/22/2012 5:15 PM

    I like the KHJ Boss 30 placed (sort of) subliminally on the face of the radio on the cover. Good job for a nice Jewish boy from the Valley. I know, I'm one too!


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