Sunday, July 15, 2012

Check out my new website!

The website for my book, THE ME GENERATION... BY ME has been revised and really spiffed up!   There's now a sample chapter and a whole photo gallery with never-before-seen pictures of the era, lost drawings of mine, and other goodies.  You can enlarge 'em.  You can do a slide show.   There are even captions!  Also, some videos of the Sunset Strip riots and other '60s fun times.  Prepare to spend hours, or at least ten minutes immersed in my life.

My thanks to Great Big Radio Guy for putting it all together.

Preview: Who's this person in the middle?  No it's not any of my former girlfriends... although, good guess.  The photo gallery explains.


  1. Left to right: Sam Riddle, Sonny Bono, and Don Steele? ;-)

  2. The Web site (and its gallery) looks great.

    I just finished your book last night, Ken, and truly enjoyed it. There wasn't a dull line in it, and in between laugh-out-loud funny lines/passages, there's poignancy (for instance, your trip to NYC while longing for Bev Fine - I can so relate to walking around a city pining for that unavailable someone) - indelible insights, and harrowing episodes (the chicken bone.) The whole book is written from the heart, and is a memorable window into that era.

    Because I liked it so much, I will forgive you for writing Diana "Riggs" - while retroactively coveting your yellow mustang (without Zsa Zsa in the backseat).

  3. Well done, Ken. Already tweeted you up.

  4. Hi, Ken. Just ordered two copies of your book -- one for me, one for my daughter (who loves all things 60s and who I'm sure will love your book). Yes indeed. Because I love you and am willing to invest in two rather than share my copy. :)


  5. you are older than me. wonder if you are older enough that American Top 40 doesn't factor. Brother and I have been reliving the 70s lately with AT40, and he's been reliving the 80s.

  6. Ken- I just finished reading your book. It was wonderful. Reminded me (in the best way) of THE WONDER YEARS. Now, who can we get to play you in the TV version?

  7. Thanks Bert and RCP. Please feel free to post an Amazon review. For some reason the New York Times won't take my call.

    Thanks again. You've made my night.


  8. I'm partway through your book and enjoying it/identifying with it immensely. I'd like, however, to correct one of the captions in the gallery about the "1968 campaign in full swing." In addition to the Nixon signs, there are signs for John F. Kennedy and for Algerian independence. The year was 1960.

  9. Ken Levine is..(all sing)THE BIG KAHUNA

  10. Loved the slideshow...tell me, Ken--did your mother ever work for Red Adair, like this owner of a 1967 Chrysler 300?

  11. Great to have more images to go with the book!

    I was blown away from the riot photograph on Hollywood Boulevard. I thought it was yours, but Google tells me it's a famous Douglas Kirkland photo. Doh!

    Great collection, though. Your graduation photo is extremely vivid.

  12. Charles H. Bryan7/16/2012 7:15 AM

    Who should play a young Ken Levine? I'll nominate Detroit Tigers all-around guy Don Kelly. Draw a pair of glasses on him.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Ken Levine said...

    "Thanks Bert and RCP. Please feel free to post an Amazon review..."

    I just posted it - and was happy to do so, Ken!

  15. Ken,
    Finished the book, not Nook, over the weekend. Gonna lead with a criticism: There were multiple pages with some printing smudges. It didn't prevent me from reading sentences, but just was an annoyance visually on the page. Also there were some formatting issues where your italic inflections were not kerned /formatted correctly.

    I've lived in the City of Angels for 25 years now. The photos from the book, and now the website, make me reflect on the fact it was still "The Valley" when you grew up. It's just a big huge suburbia blob now.

    I think one of my friends lives very close to your childhood home in WH. Ironically, he was part of the crew on BECKER and I wonder if I may have seen you in action, directing, as he invited me to show filmings.

    Hope the book is successful. Would a "Ken In The Swinging 70s" book be the sequel?

  16. "Most people say that the 60's was a great time to grow up in. A friend who happens to be a professor of media culture once told me: ""If I could relive in the past, I'd choose the 60's"" - I'm glad we share the same thought. My favorite years seem to fall between 1962 and 1967 - the memories of ""The Cuban Missile Crisis"" followed by the late President Kennedy's assassination and the death of America's film goddess, Marilyn Monroe. I must admit, television shows are greater too, as evidenced by programs like Sky King, Cheyenne, Combat, and The Twilight Zone. Whether it’s drama, comedy, or action, name it and the 60's has them all. And even the top performers: Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Robert Duvall, James Coburn and Bruce Lee (which is my favorite amongst them).

    There's no doubt that this new website of yours will be swarmed by 60's lovers. It's only a matter of time for your book to be popularized across the globe. More power to you, Mr. Ken Lavine!"

  17. Well said, Matthew! For me, 60’s is the greatest era. Almost every iconic personalities, music, and movies will lives there, which I think will be the case for years to come. Anyway, speaking of the website, I can say that I’ll be one of its frequent visitors. I especially love the Me Generation Gallery. Very retro! =)


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