Monday, October 22, 2012

Forget Obama & Romney -- vote for me

Hey, Mariner fans.  I could use your vote.  I promise to call play-by-play and lower taxes.  Just go here.  Thanks. 


  1. I always enjoy listening to M's games when you are on the radio.

  2. Would you take the job if offered? That's a lot of time away from writing!

    Looks like you're currently in the lead. Good luck!


  3. "Vote for me, and I'll set you free,
    Rap on brother, rap on."

  4. This is indeed interesting post I wasn't disappointed coming to your website ...i just bookmark this great resources ...thanks
    about flash

  5. Voted for you, and at the moment, you're in the lead with 25% of the vote, nearly twice as many votes as the closest runner-up. Behold the power of the Internet!

  6. I'll vote for you if you can come up with a home run call. Maybe we could all suggest some and you could choose your favorite. How about, "That bitch is gone!"?

  7. Phil In Phoenix10/22/2012 8:36 PM

    HEH@The Cap'n! I love that home run call! I was thinking of some ideas for a call that would be unique to Ken..."And that flies right out of here! Just like my book, "THE ME GENERATION... BY ME (GROWING UP IN THE '60s)" is flying out of bookstores and Amazon distribution centers!" Or perhaps..."That bitch is gone! Just like "Whitney" should be."

  8. Powerhouse Salter10/22/2012 9:36 PM

    1-point home run call: "It's a slam alone!"

  9. Would you take the job full-time again if it was offered? That would be so welcome to have you back on the air. I'll email Randy Adamak and others, and take Rebecca to lunch to keep talking up the idea. Well Rebecca already knows how I feel. I'm encouraged that you have twice as many votes as the runnerup, now I can't see it, I think it was Dan Wilson.

  10. I'm planning a blog post calling for you to be hired. Coming soon!

  11. While were at it. A Facebook page would probably get this some momentum, anyone?

  12. Thanks, all. I really love the city and the organization, so yes, I'd be happy to work fulltime for the M's. I appreciate all the possible feedback you can provide. And I only ask for it if it's the way you genuinely feel.

    Thanks again!


  13. I voted and added some commentary.

  14. As of this moment, you are leading by quite the margin.

    Pam aka sisterzip

  15. Long time reader, first time posting. Sorry Ken, but I voted for the other Ken. Anything to keep hearing his, "Oh Baby!" in St. Louis. While the Mariners are at it maybe they could take Dan Mclaughlin too. I'd gladly trade Dan for you.

    While I'm posting I have a question for you. Why do baseball announcers like to use the phrase, "and the [insert team name] are down to their last strike"? You don't know if it's the last strike as the batter could reach base and the team gets more strikes. A runner could even get picked off and the batter would not even get a chance for that strike. I find this rather annoying. Even the great Joe Buck uses this line. I would have put quotes around great, but I ran out of them.

  16. But if you go to Seattle, who will replace Vinny?

  17. When I heard them announce that on KJR, my first thought was, "I hope they contact Ken for the gig."

  18. I voted for you. I'd never hear you, but I still think you deserve the job!

  19. I see you have exactly the same detailed plan for economic recovery as Romney!


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