Friday, January 18, 2013

Me & the Mariners

For all who have been asking -- I will not be going back to the Seattle Mariners this season.  I will miss my time up there but have a lot of other things on my plate.  Meanwhile, they've hired a terrific young announcer, Aaron Goldsmith.   M's fans will like him.  Thanks to the organization for letting me "call 'em as I think I saw 'em" the last two years, and a huge shout out to all the fans who were so supportive.   And now that I'm not there the Mariners will definitely win a World Series.  So it's all good. 


  1. To me, this is the worst Mariners news I've heard since the signing of Heathcliff Slocomb. I'm sure Aaron Goldsmith is a fine announcer (and MOT no less!), but there is only one Ken Levine, and I shall miss him.

  2. Have you tried the Astros? They have yet to hire any radio guys. And the team'a going to be so bad that we're going to need someone entertaining to listen to.

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with Larry A. I'm deeply disappointed that you are not going to be working with the Mariners as I really enjoyed listening to you, Ken. Thank goodness for your blog.

  4. that's funny my boys are never gonna win a world series. and now you're gone too.

  5. I had heard the news via other sources. I'm sorry to hear that, Ken Good luck on your next venture. Since I started following your blog, I've started watching some of the reruns of shows you've written for over the years. Plus, I've bought both your books and have been greatly entertained. Can't wait to see what's next in your career.

  6. I agree with Diane & Larry. I'm very disappointed--I'd hoped you would be back as Rick's only partner.

  7. You will be missed. Hopefully another MLB team will ask you to help them out this season. You are a treasure to baseball fans regardless of what diamond you are watching.

  8. Well, I tried brother! Apparently my campaign sign didn't win them over.

  9. Time to come back to the Dodgers. At least they have the ability to pay you what you are worth.

  10. Manti Ectiof1/18/2013 8:55 PM

    The Dodgers have money left??? Or maybe just a magical line of credit. On the other hand, Rauuuuuul is returning to the M's for the third time, so maybe you will too, tho I don't know where we'll put all the "u's" in Ken.

  11. not a sports fan. so... what else on your plate? good stuff I hope,

  12. Ken, I'm sorry they didn't hire you. I enjoyed having you come up here and I enjoyed listening to you on the air. I hope you're right about both Goldsmith and the Mariners' prospects for success.

  13. Here's the deal: if, as you predict, your leaving means the M's win the World Series this year, then next year you must promise to spend two years calling Cubs games and then leave. Pretty please?

  14. We'll miss you in the Northwest, Ken. Good luck with your future projects.

  15. "now that I'm not there the Mariners will definitely win a World Series"- oh, that's right, you're a COMEDY writer...

  16. So sorry Ken! I found your blog though first hearing you on M's broadcasts. You easily had my vote to be Rizz's partner but I am merely a fan. It was really touching, and I'm tearing up right now thinking of it, when you had the play-by-play for the first grand slam after Niehaus' death and you couldn't make the call, but gave it to Rizz. It was an emotional moment and I'll never forget your grace.

    I really hope that you get back in to broadcasting games because you're an absolute delight to listen to. Best of luck!

  17. Actually, the M's did pretty well with Levine behind the Mike.

  18. Like Barry Diller says when a deal he wants falls through, "Next!"

    Sorry that the Mariners made that decision, but you have a winner's attitude.

    I, on the other hand, would pout and cry.

  19. Sorry to see you go Ken. Let's hope your world series prognostication comes true. We've been waiting forever. Luckily I can still get my Ken fix through your blog.

  20. Well hopefully that's good news for us Dodger fans who lost you a few years back. Please return, Ken!

  21. There will be school tomorrow in Borneo.

  22. It's too bad organizations don't promote its announcers from Double A to Triple A and on to the majors when there's an opportunity. To bring in someone from Pawtucket when Tacoma is part of the organization and it's also just down the road is not good business.

  23. Alas, no Beast mode (ex-Nat Michael Morse) for Ken this summer. But if you ever want to fill in for Charlie and Dave in D.C. for a few days, I'm sure you would be welcomed in Washington.


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