Friday, January 25, 2013

What does Sarah Palin have in common with Ben & Kate?

They were all cancelled.  But that leaves Sarah open for pilot season. 


  1. Jose Valdivielso1/25/2013 7:15 PM

    sarah measuring her breasts or iq w/the yard stick?

  2. Probably her breasts because she could use a dollar bill folded in half to measure her IQ

  3. lol Yeah, that is the porn Sarah, though to my mind there was nothing that wasn't pornographic about the real Sarah.

  4. MikeinSeattle1/25/2013 9:58 PM

    OT: Hey Ken, I thought of you when I saw this video the wonderful Kim Morgan posted at her site. Be sure and listen through the end of the song.

  5. As long as you're posting cheap shots marginalizing women in politics, how about a picture of Hillary Clinton with blood on her cleavage?
    At least it would be more topical.

    johnny fairplay

  6. Ken was not "marginalizing women in politics," "Johnny," any more than his making a joke about - say - what a douchebag Rand Paul or Mitch McConnell are is "marginalizing men in politics."

    What he is doing is mocking a woman who has put four and half years of intense effort into making herself a national joke. She's hardly equivilent to Hilary. Hilary is a genuine and undeniably brilliant politician and diplomat who is busy handling problems all over the world with skill. (Not to mention her ripping the senate committee a new one this week, and showing the Republicans in there for the fraudulent dopes they are.)

    Whereas Palin hasn't got a strong grasp of what foreign countries even are, has no grasp whatever of international politics, national politics, science, the constitution, morality, Reality, decency and ethics. The sad fact is that Sarah Palin is not very intelligent, and incredibly poorly educated, even for Alaska.

    Hilary reads books. Palin reads ammo boxes, assuming she's literate at all, of which there is scant proof.

    But I'll give Palin this: She can undoubtedly skin a moose better than Hilary can. Sarah is a shitty politcian and TV commentator, but she'd make a competent butcher.

  7. People, people -- c'mon ... it's all about the BOOBS!!! Let's not lose sight of that.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Johnny FairPlay is no relation to me, btw!

    I believe this is Real Sarah Palin photoshopped onto Busty Unknown. A little bit weird.

  10. I'm sure it's photoshopped, which is actually a shame. Providing masturbatory fodder to the populace might actually be the most useful thing she's ever done.

  11. I wonder whether I'm your only regular reader who watches and likes BEN AND KATE. Definitely funnier than the other new FOX fare, in my opinion.

  12. You're way too kind to Hitlery, Doug. She's an amoral monster with a power lust that would shame Lady MacBeth.

  13. I'm at a loss why ANYONE defends Sarah Palin, anymore. Palin isn't the butt of jokes because she's a conservative or a woman. She's the butt of jokes because she's so out of her league, yet desperately pretends not to be. You don't even need to try to make fun of her because she's a parody of herself.

    Whether you like Hillary Clinton's politics or not, she's a very smart person and a skilled politician. And she doesn't embarrass herself just by opening her mouth.

    If Republicans want to be taken seriously, they need to distance themselves from people like Sarah Palin.

  14. "LAprGuy said...
    I wonder whether I'm your only regular reader who watches and likes BEN AND KATE. Definitely funnier than the other new FOX fare, in my opinion."

    Perhaps so, but that's setting the bar extremely low.

    "Cap'n Bob said...
    You're way too kind to Hitlery, Doug. She's an amoral monster with a power lust that would shame Lady MacBeth."

    Yes, yes, Cap'n. You forgot to take your meds again, didn't you? You want Lady MacBeth? Meet Ann Romney, though to be fair, Ann is equal parts Marie Antoinette.

  15. "Amoral Monster"? Holy cow, if Hilary Clinton meets the threshold of "amoral monster", what terms do you use to describe people like Joseph Stalin, or Pol Pot, or Kim Jong Il? Hyperbole like that is like firing both barrels of a shotgun at the same've got nothing left when the real monster shows up.....

  16. It was inevitable that Palin would disappear from the national scene at some point - it's amazing it took this long. Don't feel too bad for her - she's now a wealthy woman who will spend the rest of her days signing autographs for people who think Hawaii is a foreign country.

    Tim W. said...

    "If Republicans want to be taken seriously, they need to distance themselves from people like Sarah Palin."

    They need to do more than that, Tim.

    D. McEwan said...

    "The sad fact is that Sarah Palin is not very intelligent, and incredibly poorly educated, even for Alaska."

    Hold it, Douglas. I spent three years in Alaska finishing my degree (what do you mean, 'And your point is?') When I was there, the state was flush with oil money, allowing it to use elevated salaries to lure truly outstanding professors up from the "Lower 48." Saying people in Alaska are ignorant and uneducated because of Palin is like saying Texans are dumb because of George W. Bush. Maybe I should use another example.

  17. "RCP said...
    It was inevitable that Palin would disappear from the national scene at some point - it's amazing it took this long. Don't feel too bad for her."

    I can not imagine ANY circumstances under which I would feel bad for Sarah Palin.

  18. Deflecting criticism by pointing to someone else is useless. Calling Hitlery a "skilled politician" falls way short of a compliment in my book. Face it, I hate the bitch. My best Xmas present was a voodoo doll with her mug on it. I just hope I don't wear it out too soon.

    BTW, just because I loathe Clinton doesn't mean I admire Palin.

  19. Now she can see Russia from her breasts....

  20. Lots of hate here. Why do you libs fear Sarah so much? Also, in regard to IQ Sarah does know how many states there are. She is attractive without your sexy pics of her,she has more 'smarts' than you all who have commented here.

  21. I liked Ben & Kate. I wish the actors well. There was a sweetness that I like in my comedy.

  22. all ican say i wish i could lay beside her just one night.thanks all yah yum yum.

  23. all ican say i wish i could lay beside her just one night.thanks all yah yum yum.

  24. I viewed the comment defending Sarah Palin with interest. In many ways, I have sympathy for the Republicans who feel that Palin adequately represented their party, because the party you follow that would be so obtuse as to think Palin was a viable candidate is changing, and not in a way that will comfort you. Your party is now going to begin courting all those "minority" groups that you fear so much (and who Palin and other like minded fear mongering conservatives used as a bogeyman) because they know that they have to at least give the appearance of change in order to stay in power. Your party is leaving you behind.

    I'm not a liberal; I'm a realist. And I don't fear Sarah Palin. I do fear the mindset of an out of touch political party that would even consider her as a potential leader of the US.

  25. I am a liberal. Heck, I'm a leftist. That pic, were it not photo-shopped, would be exhibit "A" for my contention that men who find her attractive secretly fantasize about being spanked by their Sunday school teacher. She'll fade away pretty soon as her wrinkles become more obvious. Ms Clinton, not having reached her position by trading on her looks, doesn't have that problem.

  26. "Anonymous said...
    Why do you libs fear Sarah so much? Also, in regard to IQ Sarah does know how many states there are. She is attractive without your sexy pics of her,she has more 'smarts' than you all who have commented here."

    Says the person who doesn't even know how to spell his or her own name. Your courage in your ridiculous opinions, Anonymous Coward, is par for the Palin-supporter course. Don't know how to break it to you, Anonymous Coward, but we libs (And I am both a realist and a liberal; in fact, I'm a liberal BECAUSE I'm a realist), not being moose (Mooses? Meese?) or wolves hunted from helicopters (more cowardice: hunting from a helicopter), do not "fear" the be-boobed boob from Alaska. She's too vastly stupid and massively ignorant to be any kind of threat at all. You know, Sarah probably does know how many states there are, and how to loot a state governement while being a governor. But that's about it. Her ignorance is staggaring.

    "Cap'n Bob said...
    Calling Hitlery a 'skilled politician' falls way short of a compliment in my book. Face it, I hate the bitch. My best Xmas present was a voodoo doll with her mug on it. I just hope I don't wear it out too soon."

    I have no idea who "Hitlery" is. (How many millions of Jews and Russians has Hilary slaughtered? Less than 50,000,000? None at all? Then she falls a bit shy of "Hitler." If she were Hitler, Cap'n, you'd have been dragged out and shot in the face long ago. Your bar for tyranny is set very low. In fact, it's set at "Disagrees with me".) But Hilary Clinton is a "highly skilled politician." To say she isn't is no different from saying that Sarah Palin is a Rhodes Scholar. It's just a flat-out lie. But yes, we've all known for ages that, politically, your head is located deep within your own rectum, though why you insist on bragging about your mental shortcomings I cannot imagine. Man, you're going to hate her presidency in four years.

  27. I am no fan of Sarah Palin by any means, but I'd like to see the first woman president be someone who got their on her own, not aided by whom she was married to. As far as I'm concerned, Hillary Clinton is just Lurleen Wallace with a damn Ivy League law degree. Hillary made a fine Secretary of State, but I sure as hell don't want her as president setting up more corporate triangulation. Biden in 2016, and if the Ivy League/Wall Street power structure doesn't want him, so much the better!

  28. I think the lead actor in Ben and Kate was funnier in his tv commercials.

  29. John Josephson1/29/2013 1:25 PM

    It must be sad to be such an angry, vicious small person as this McEwan creature. Think of the inhumanity of this awful caricature of a person -- who's so blinded by pure hatred for someone with whom he disagrees on politics that he can't imagine any circumstance which would evoke sympathy for Palin. He either is a monster or has a very limited imagination. Probably both.

    Ken has a great blog, but he does nobody any service when he posts things like this. It's beneath him to conjure up a post which both objectifies women and makes cheap points against an easy target.

    Maybe he'd be clever enough to come up with some way to tweak President Obama. I'd be disappointed if even Ken had no sense of humor about the great man, since Obama and his followers clearly have none.

  30. Thank you Joseph for the first rational, intelligent comment in this thread.

  31. i beleave sarah is hot and if she ever leaves her husband she could live with me.just friends with benafits.u know what i mean.

  32. Someone clearly has great photoshop skills around here.

  33. Seems it hate Sarah Palin and rah rah Hillary Clinton, who was a terrible, putting it mildly, Secretary of State ...

  34. She is more than her breasts, UNFORTUNATELY!!! She has a mouth and low enough intelligence to not be able to curb her words from showing how ignorant she is. I voted against McCain because of her. And I support McCain!!!!


  36. I Love Sarah Palin!!! You are the most Beautifulest Woman in the World...LOVE DAVID H.


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