Monday, July 15, 2013

Warning: Proud Parent Alert

Yes, today I’m going to be one of those annoying parents that corners you and shows you endless photos of their baby. You want to say, “All babies that age look like that -- mini Uncle Festers -- so what?” but instead you just politely smile and think of ways to extricate yourself from the situation. “Listen, I just got a text that a meteor is landing on this spot in thirty seconds so I really should scoot.”

And then there are the pet owners who insist on showing you endless photos of their dog. “Oh, here’s Bluto with a piece of our couch in his mouth. Isn’t he just the cutest thing?” NO. And neither is the shot of him sleeping on the bed with your wife.

At least on Facebook you can scroll through these precious snapshots of toddlers wearing oversized sunglasses and cats wearing oversized sunglasses. And you can lie and say your server is down so you couldn’t watch the adorable YouTube videos of Chloe/Britney/Jason/Fido’s first potty triumph.

But today, I’m one of those parents. Last night the first produced show my daughter Annie and her partner Jon Emerson wrote aired on the Disney Channel. GOOD LUCK CHARLIE. Here’s their credit. Tell me it isn’t the cutest most adorable credit you’ve ever seen! Thanks for the indulgence. And congratulations again to Annie & Jon.   Next up: a new Nick at Nite show called INSTANT MOM. Their episode films Thursday.
Here's what Janel Maloney and Aaron Sorkin said about first credits on the WEST WING commentary track.


  1. A keeper screen grab. Hoping for many more :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations!

    From one of the people that puts pictures of his dog online.

  4. My dog is the cutest thing! And Congrats!!!!

  5. You feel like Ken Griffey Sr seeing Junior play in the bigs for the first time?

  6. What is the episode's title, so I can look for it on my cable guie...

  7. I should get a cookie because I saw this live with my kids last night! Always love watching for the writing and director credits at the beginning of shows, and last night it paid off!

  8. congrats to you and the adorable little bundle of joy!

  9. Congrats. Could Annie and Jon be persuaded to write a guest column on what the experience was like? Starting with how they got the job, what special preparation they did to get into the show's voice, what challenges there were writing for a show that is aimed at kids and needs to elicit frequent laughter from the audience, and what was going through their minds on the night of the taping. Thanks.

  10. Victor Velasco7/15/2013 9:39 AM

    Congratulations, Ken; best of luck to your daughter for the first of many credits

  11. Congrats Annie & Jon!

  12. Father and baby are doin' fine! Congratulations, Ken.

  13. Awesome! Having met Jon, and knowing that "Good Luck Charlie" is actually a pretty great show, this is cool to see! I knew he and Annie had been hired on at the show, and will look for their first credit :)

  14. Also, I see Jenny McCarthy is joining The View. Who cares, except that Yahoo News' subhead read "A comic, who is replacing Joy Behar, has appeared on the ABC talk show a dozen times." WHAT?! Since when is she a comic? I actually assumed she would be the replacement for Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

  15. Actual working writers. Very cool indeed!

    Congrats to both of them.

  16. Concetta Tomei7/15/2013 11:33 AM

    Congratulations, Ken! And from the 'small world' department, my good friend (and the father of my god child), Michael Boatman, co stars on 'Instant Mom"!!

  17. In horse racing terms Ken you are now a very promising sire of comedy writers and can now demand a funny service fee!

  18. Congrats! I love that show (and I don't have kids) - it's got a good cast and some good laughs.

  19. I was going to make a crack about nepotism but I'll just say congratulations to all of you. This is no small accomplishments and it's nice to think that the Levine gene is alive and well in TV land.

  20. Hey, her writing credit has your eyes.

  21. Congratulations!
    One of my favorite quotes is a Chinese proverb, “There’s only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it”.

    Friday Question:
    One of my favorite series, Burn Notice, is ending it’s run this season and I’m a little anxious about the direction of the storyline line in the first few episodes.
    I prefer series finales that allow me to imagine that the characters will live on, I just won’t be there to watch them as opposed to the apocalyptic endings where people die, friendships are irreparably broken and lives are shattered.

    I remember reading that Agatha Christie grew to dislike Hercule Poirot and that’s why (spoiler alert) she killed him off.

    My question is, why do writers end their series the way they do? Have some grown tired of their characters and this gives them satisfaction ? Or for others, is it a reflection of their attachment to the world they’ve created?

    Thank you,
    Uncle Al

  22. I can only imagine your feelings of pride. Congratulations all around.

  23. Sgt. Troy Pepper7/15/2013 5:00 PM

    Concetta Tomei and Michael Boatman in the same post! 2 of my favorites from CHINA BEACH! And of course, Wings and Spin City...and many more!

    Congrats to the Levines and John, too. Now if they do any guest-posts for Ken, they'll receive scale!

  24. Potential is great -- achievement is better. Congratulations, Ken, and even more congratulations to Annie and Jon.

  25. Always nice to keep the kids in the family business. Congrats.
    Since this is a comment roll where you might read all the comments I thought I'd invite you to check out my Ken Levine inspired exercise "If I Wrote the New Superman Movie"
    As they say here in Boston, "Are ya buyin"?

  26. Very adorable credit shot. Thought so when I watched the episode. (My, there's a lot less of Eric Allen Kramer than there used to be. He must have taken off 40 pounds of meat and 20 pounds of hair.) However, my first writing screen credit was much, much cuter, far more adorable. If my parents were still alive, they'd tell you the same thing. I'd post it (It's framed on the wall beside my computer) but that damn meteor is nearly here, so I've got to scoot.

  27. Congratulations to Annie and Jonathan! I know you are one proud papa, Ken.

  28. Mazel tov. Blow it up, frame it, keep it on your wall near where you blog. You will smile every time you look at it (I do the same with the poster from the play my kid directed).

  29. Congratulations! A friend of mine just got solo writing credits for an episode of the show Switched at Birth. We are all so happy for her.


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