Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How one theater handled cell phone use

As a follow up to today's post, thanks to reader Darms for turning me on to this:  The Alamo Drafthouse and their uncensored version of a NO CELL PHONE reminder.   Brilliant.


  1. Constance Reader12/11/2013 3:25 PM

    MInor quibble - Alama Drafthouse, not Roadhouse. Although for all I know "Roadhouse" may give the Leagues an idea for their next adventure.

  2. My favorite part is where she says she'll go to another theater where the people are polite (and where she texts all the time.)

  3. Whata looser. Good thing she won't be coming back. Saves the theatre from having to tresspass her as "Undesireable" she has "Anger Management" issues along with a lack of any class. Anyone with common sense would silent their phone.

  4. Listening to folks like this truly undermines my confidence in the viability of things altogether. Often thought we have a long way to go. Judging from this, might just have even farther to go...

  5. I bet she'll always remember the Alamo.

  6. Alamo Drafthouse recently opened here in Yonkers New York. What a great place to see a movie. No cell phone and no talking policy. No kids under 6 (except for specific kids' showings). Pretty good food (menu is on-line), reserved seats, new films, classic films, sing-a-longs, etc. And the best part is they actually charge less than the other area theatres. No recliner seats. Done that and kept falling asleep. My new go-to theatre.

  7. Wonder if we can get them to open one in Seattle. I'd never go anywhere else.

  8. As someone who is childless and phoneless by choice, enjoys classic film and delicious food, and who did "Rocky Horror" long enough to enjoy the hell out of a good cult film sing-along, this Alamo Drafthouse sounds like my dream of heaven. If only they'd come to San Diego!

    And hey, Landmark Theatres, if anyone is reading this? What is the deal with you guys playing the hell outta cult/classic films at your L.A. theatres and making a big to-do about them, while your San Diego outlets are barely keeping the power on by playing depressing foreign films for weeks at a time? I see like 6 people going in to those shows, so where's the demand? Other indy theatres and weirdofreaky-type folks/groups are putting them on without you, selling out multiple showings, and making the money you used to make in the 80's, when you were basically a cult film and revival house/chain. You guys suck the big wazoo now. Thought you should know.

    Cheers, thanks a lot,


  9. What's the problem with texting?

    The theater is just being mean.

  10. Question, Mickey Kaus at Daily Caller referred to the rule in Hollywood, if you sue, you'll never work in this town again? Is this true?

  11. Amusing, but any time I hear or read of jerks too perfectly making their opponent's case -- and their opponent running with it -- I'm more than a little skeptical.

    I know you can alway cheery-pick any internet forum and find ranting trolls opposing everything, but long phone messages that frequently reference the company name and never a specific competitor?

  12. So she was texting while using her phone as a torch?

    I applaud that cinema.

  13. It drives me crazy that some people are still unaware how distracting it is for the people behind and to the sides of them who use their phones in the cinema. People think if they don't talk it's fine, without realizing that in a dark room their little phone screen is like shining a torch into people's eyes.


  14. This made my day. The Arclight is great but I really miss Alamo Drafthouse.


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