Saturday, March 29, 2014

Picture Day

All taken with my iPhone. Mostly sunsets. To go along with the photos and travelogue I posted earlier in the week.  (Sorry there's no place to click "like" but enjoy just the same.)
A selfie with Annie
From Amasia.  Yum.
That's a chocolate shell.  To die for.
Matt & Annie, my humble children
This ridiculous feature at the Grand Wailea simulates being tossed in the waves.  Real waves are five yards away.
Who the fuck wears fur in Hawaii?
NOTE: Monday my thoughts on THE GOOD WIFE.


  1. That was a chocolate shell? YUM!!!

  2. Now we know -- your humble children are actually Superheros!

  3. Oh man. I've only been once, but looking at these photos makes me miss Hawaii so much. Wonderful place.

  4. I've been to Kauai twice, my second time a year ago this month. Your photos made me physically miss it. What a beautiful place ... so hard to believe it's actually in America! It feels so exotic and foreign in so many ways.

    Can't wait to hear what you thought of TGW ... I personally was far more affected by last week's episode than by tonight's. I thought Matthew Goode's scene would have been far more effective had he not been drugged up, and for my money, Matt Czuchry stole the show. (Well, Christine Baranski and Julianna Margulies were brilliant, as always, but Matt shined in his brief deposition scene.)


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