Sunday, June 08, 2014

Okay... just one more credit

Again, from Johnny Walker.  He asked what absurd credit I would suggest.  This was my vote.  Thanks, Johnny.


  1. In hindsight, Fran Drescher probably should have gotten top billing.

  2. She also would have preferred his novel be called "Rye in the Catcher."

  3. So, J.D. Salinger goes to pitch his idea for "The Nanny" to Fran Drescher...

  4. ... And Fran says, "Or... How about, 'Catch Her in the Magapher'?"

  5. You know, they could have changed Maxwell Sheffield's named to Holden Caufield, and the cadence would still have sounded the same...

  6. There's an old joke about Fran Drescher being popular among the deaf, since they can admire her looks and her legs but don't have to hear her. (That's probably unfair to Fran, as her Noo Yawk voice probably is exaggerated for comedic effect while in character.)

  7. Ti VPB1955: Drescher's voice is nasal, but you're right, she exaggerates fot comic effect. She can also drop down down into a lower, throatier voice if she needs to.


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