Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Great Big Radio Special

Tired of Christmas music even though it's not Christmas yet?  Or... do you miss the year 1975?

Well here's the place for you.

GREAT BIG RADIO, one of the internet's BEST radio stations, is saluting the Golden Year 1975 now through the end of New Year's Eve.  You'll hear the news, commercials, radio airchecks, and all the music that made 1975 the middle of that decade. 

Relive such treasured memories as...

The Watergate assholes were convicted.


CAA was formed.

The Thrilla in Manilla happened.

Australian television switched to color (a little late, don'tcha think?)

UCLA won the NCAA basketball championship.

Microsoft was founded.

The Vietnam War ended.  (Remember when wars ended?)

Levine & Isaacs sold their first script.

Carlton Fisk hit his home run. 

Beaver Cleaver did weekends on B100 San Diego.

THE PRICE IS RIGHT expanded to an hour. 

THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW was released, immediately causing weekend insomnia.

And Lyme Disease was first discovered.  

So join Howard Hoffman as he turns back the clock to 1975 and grows an afro again.   He's kicking it off live at 3 PM Pacific, 6 PM Eastern.

Just click here.


  1. Paradise Pete12/24/2014 4:18 PM

    "Intercom" radio station? I'm new here, is that a running joke?

  2. Scooter Schechtman12/24/2014 5:13 PM

    Ia your "Price Is Right" namecheck a hint that you're going to post your Anitra Ford Tribute here?

  3. Did Beaver Cleaver ever play "Shaving Cream" by Benny Bell on B100?

    '75 was actually a really good year for the most part; then along came "Love Will Keep Us Together" then "Feelings" and then "Run Joey Run". But in the end the world was saved by The Boss and The Pistols. Right?

  4. I was listening earlier because somebody on the American top 40 to 70 group on Facebook posted. And I heard some air checks as Beaver Cleaver. It didn't sound like you but I figured it had to be. I never thought to look here.

  5. Wow, the original news segments and advertisements? That's really cool. I'll hopefully be able to check this out at some point.

  6. I just heard a commercial for video games on sale, and for Capital one, so the commercials aren't from 1975

  7. "Australian television switched to color (a little late, don'tcha think?)"

    The first australian FM radio licence wasn't issued until 1975 either. (4zzz -

    It's more that the U.S. went colour *much* earlier than everyone else. Japan converted in 1960 and Mexico in started in 1963 but it wasn't until the second half of the 60s that some momentum developed and by 1970 there were still less than two dozen countries broadcasting in colour.



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