Saturday, December 20, 2014

All I want for Christmas...

is Jews.

And the original (one of my favorite Xmas songs):


  1. Carey is a hot mess. The keyword being 'hot'. :D

  2. I think all these girls really want agent. Not sure this video will get them one, but maybe the voice-over singer and the writer of the lyrics.

    Someone sent me this on a previous Christmas. Lots of fun. Wasn't sure in these present sensitive times people would appreciate it. But since you're Jewish, I guess you can use the "J" word.

  3. I really like this!


  4. Very funny. Someone should send this to Mel Gibson.

  5. I have juice every day, not just for Christmas.

  6. Hamid Said:

    "Very funny. Someone should send this to Mel Gibson."

    Why? Because he said Jews start all wars? Why don't you send Mel's quote to Seth Rogan and Amy Pascal.

  7. I'd appreciate the parody more if the lip sync weren't so bad. It was bad enough to bother me, but not bad enough to make me think it was purposefully bad as part of the joke. They also spelled Hebrew wrong. It's all in the details, so I'm slightly less than impressed.

  8. Very cute (they should call their group "The Three Ho-Ho-Ho's"), and certainly better than Mariah sounds on this song these days. But my favorite parody on this theme is still "Christmas Time for the Jews" from "SNL." We saw Darlene Love live a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic show, but the only disappointment was that she didn't sing that song.

    My wife Laura is a serious jazz/standards singer, but she also does parody songs for radio. Here's one from 2009 that unfortunately is still fairly topical for a lot of people. It's called "Santa Baby (Help Me Through Recession Tonight)." Sorry, it's not specifically about Jews, but it does mention Bernie Madoff:

    PS - Instead of filling in a word or numbers, I just had to check a box to prove I'm not a robot. I'm going to go build a robot that can do that!

  9. Paul Duca shared it with me! Tres Funny!

  10. There are a number of Jewsploitation songs, and this one struck me as mediocre.

    I prefer SNL's "Christmastime For The Jews", a Motown knockoff.


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