Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Turn

Radio station 100.3 THE SOUND in LA has a very cool feature.  On Sunday nights at 6:00 they invite a guest DJ to come in for an hour and play whatever the hell he wants.  Tonight, it's me.

Since the station's format is Classic Rock I decided not to play my favorite marching band tunes, Gregorian chants, Osmond Brother favorites, or love songs from William Shatner.   What I am playing are cool songs from the '60s and stories about growing up in LA.  Kinda like the stuff I talk about in my book, THE ME GENERATION...BY ME (which you need to order now to be ready for Christmas).

Among the tasty selections I will be playing are songs by Love, the Rose Garden, Steppenwolf, the Beach Boys, the Doors, and OF COURSE Captain Beefheart.   Plus "Rubber Biscuits" by the Chips.

Plus, there's an added significance.  In the mid '70s I was a disc jockey on that station when it was K100 and I was Beaver Cleaver.   Since my radio stints usually ended with stories about being fired (see last Thursday), I of course have one for K100.  I walked into the station one day and the program director, Bill Watson, called me into his office and delicately couched it this way:  "Hey, babe, we're making some changes and you're one of 'em." 

So join me tonight if you can and Watson doesn't get to me first.  You just go here.  Then click the listen live button.  6 PM PST/9 PM EST... and everything else in between.  I have no idea what time that is in Bhutan.   


  1. That would be 5 am Monday in Bhutan. I'll alert the media.

  2. I wouldn't be adverse to hearing a little Moby Grape or Spirit. Brings back memories of the early days of FM when the DJs weren't working off a pre-arranged playlist and actually programmed their own shows. Next time you spin tales of your radio days would like to hear if you ever witnessed payola at any of your stations. And was that the first - and last - time you were called "babe?" (lol)

  3. Scooter Schechtman12/21/2014 7:05 AM

    Love and Beefheart coming through Prius speakers? Not since the Sunset Strip riots...

  4. Cool! Will be able to tune in right after work!

    age 18-23
    Hapa Female

  5. When I go to the station using TuneIn, I see school's out by Alice Cooper but here Christmas music. Should I be worried?

  6. So Ken, when you heard that famous Bill Watson send off....was it Christmas? I'm curious.

  7. David in Cincinnati12/21/2014 8:36 AM

    Well, golly - I'm not sure I can get into the holiday spirit, let alone the Holodeck spirit, without some Billy Shatner! Harrumph!

  8. Marc Wielage12/21/2014 3:58 PM

    Make sure the last song you play is from FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.


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