Saturday, April 04, 2015

One of the great high school reunion pranks ever

This ties in with two posts from earlier this week -- my April Fool's joke and the B100 reunion.    One of my USC students, Andrea Wachner, pulled an inspired prank.  She hired a stripper to pose as her for her 10 year high school reunion.  And it gets more elaborate than that.   Andrea filmed the whole thing and made a movie of it.  Here's the short version.  Check it out.  You will love it.

Andrea, you are a disturbed individual. And I admire you for it.


  1. Wow. Someone tried to do a movie plot in real life -- although it's perhaps more interesting how it (apparently) unravelled. As much as she hated her school, I guess the people there liked her enough to actually remember her.

  2. So there's more than one Andy Dick?

  3. That looks awesome. I want to watch the whole thing now.

  4. Just not a fan of the "punk'd" pranks. I'm sure there were others at the reunion had been really looking forward to it--and then to have someone hijack the limelight and throw it all on her own "I hated it!" attitude about the school seems a tad mean and self-serving.

    It's interesting she goes out of the way to point out how all the students drive high-end luxury vehicles (implying that she was an exception), yet she has the money to go out and hire a film crew to pull off the stunt had me shaking my head...I suspect we're looking at between $10-20 grand to pull off a prank like this. She could probably by a pretty good used BMW for that.

  5. It seemed a nice revenge on the "high school is never over!" crowd.

  6. Sometimes the biggest bullies are those who've been bullied.

  7. Shades of Louie De Palma and Bobby Wheeler.....

  8. I've never been to a high school reunion in my life because:

    1. Most of the people I hung with were a year ahead or behind; the ones in my year I tended to run into anyway without need of events.

    2. Afraid that the people I didn't like would be either disgusting successful; or so tragic I couldn't take any pleasure in it; or so nice I'd have to face the possibility I was the jerk all the time.

    3. They were always held in the wrong year: Not when I was dating and doing cool stuff, but when my weight was up and/or career was stalled.

    4. A couple of guys who swore they'd beat the crud out of me after graduation. For all I know they're still out there, fitting weaponry in their walkers.

    5. Fear there'd be a test.

  9. Well, it seemed as if SHE enjoyed the stunt. I didn't really see the humor when she was laughing hysterically at something the stripper says. And I'm with your other reader who noted the hypocrisy of her making fun of the high end cars while spending bank on her prank. The whole thing was kind of stupid.

    This might have worked better at her 20th reunion, I don't know. Whatever, the chicks got mad issues.


  10. The problem with 10th HS reunion is that one still cares about the wrongs done to them in HS. (I hated mine.)

    By the 25th, you either don't care, or don't remember.

    Clever, I suppose, but, for reasons already stated, rather juvenile.

  11. The real Andrea is cuter than the fake one.

    She should grow up and go to her next reunion herself.

  12. Justin Baron4/04/2015 2:33 PM

    Seems like a bad 2 minute bit from a hidden camera reality show. Set-up was way too long and the payoff never really paid off. Sorry, but I found it to be boring and lame.

  13. An adult spending their own money to film something is the same as parents buying their high school children a Mercedes or BMW? I don't think so.

  14. It's supposed to be a 10 year reunion, but according to the invitation, Andrea was in the class of 1995. Does Andrea not know when she graduated or does she not know how to count?

  15. I agree with the sentiment here that the most interesting aspect of this would be to examine Andrea's hatred for her classmates. Could she be wrong? THAT would be an interesting documentary.

  16. Geez, people really need to lighten up. I thought this was hilarious.

    I've never had a desire to go to any of my high school reunions, but this would be a great way to do it.

    For those that didn't find it funny, I think you need to take things a little less seriously.

  17. oh how I wish I'd thought of that!!! I didn't hate school at all, but the prank is classic!


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