Sunday, June 14, 2015

The best music video EVER

THIS is how you rock Aretha!


  1. Such an endearingly funny video. She has the " attitude" down, doesn`t she?

  2. she had to learn that "attitude" from someone, I am guessing we need to feel sorry for the father.

  3. Can't help but think I'm watching another Honey Boo Boo in the making.

  4. Wow, a natural performer if ever I've seen one. She actually had a great rhythm, and at the end when she took control of the stage - hilarious. I hope she gets the encouragement she needs to make the most of whatever talent that is!

  5. Whenever I read "The Best ______ Ever" I know it won't be. But it's amusing.

  6. Didn't Honey Boo Boo die from a heart attack?

  7. Nice to see that resident strippers are giving back to their community during their off time by teaching dance to toddlers.

    Hillary is so right! It takes a village!!


  8. Isn`t it funny anonymous the things that different people see? I see a delightful child, about five years old, dancing at an obvious dance recital and you see a stripper in the making.Perception I guess.

  9. "Isn`t it funny anonymous the things that different people see? I see a delightful child, about five years old, dancing at an obvious dance recital and you see a stripper in the making.Perception I guess."

    It is funny. All I see is an overweight toddler, back to the audience, bent over, shaking her butt, while dancing to "what you want, baby I got it," while mimicking behavior that implies a ghetto attitude to wild applause.

    How could I possibly think that might not be appropriate for a six year old, in so many ways? I think it might be because to you, power is perception, and truth is a throwaway incidental. After all, it's a party! Why spoil it with reality?

    I also seem to think that because of the glaring lack of comments on this particular essay, many people may share my strange perception, but don't want to embarrass anybody.


  10. To Anonymous Aaron:
    The blog posts that generate many comments are usually either controversial or enormously interesting, often both; I think that is the reason for the "glaring lack of comments" on this post. It is neither of those things. It's just a cute, amusing home video of a dance recital of a child who obviously has some unusual natural talent and even more unusual (for her age) showmanship.
    There is no point in 40 people saying, "Cute kid, funny video."

    Regarding the inappropriateness of the dance, you get the, "Aw, lighten up, award."


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