Friday, August 21, 2015

Congratulations to Annie & Jon

Let me put on my proud father hat for a moment.  My daughter Annie and her writing partner Jonathan Emerson just announced their engagement.   If they can write comedy together without killing each other then marriage should be a breeze.   Congratulations.  I love you both.
Friday Questions below.


  1. May their marriage have a very long run, lots of spin-offs, and high Q ratings.

  2. Many congratulations to all!

  3. Mazel tov to the happy couple ��

  4. Congratulations to your daughter and her fiance. My wife Laura and I are also comedy writing partners who work out of home offices and are together nearly 24/7. People are astounded that we are still so happy and affectionate and almost never argue. I think the fact that we write comedy has a lot to do with it. If we were writing for reality shows, we might have killed each other by now, if I hadn't killed myself first.

  5. Mazel Tov - that is truly wonderful!

  6. May their marriage have a very long run, lots of spin-offs, and high Q ratings.

    But which one will be the Chuck Lorre of the 2030s? Only time will tell.

    Congratuations to the comic couple, as well as to Pat and Laura. Laughter and love are indeed the best medicines.

  7. Congrats but remember it was a baby that broke up the Buchmans.

  8. Congratulations to the happy couple, and to the proud papa!

  9. All this time I thought he was gay!

    CONGRATULATIONS! Hope he stays that way!


  10. Mazel tov, and many perpetual residuals to the happy couple (and proud parents).

  11. Mucho Aloha and many happy returns and reruns!

  12. Phil In Phoenix8/21/2015 1:24 PM

    And it's not even sweeps. Congrats to you all! And Ken, go easy on the notes.

  13. Congratulations to the couple. May their marriage be one of humor and happiness.

  14. Congratulations to the couple. May their marriage be one of humor and happiness.

  15. May they live for as long as they want, and never want for as long as they live.

  16. Hmm. I never engaged in that sort of thing with writing partners I've had, but congratulations to them both. May happiness and success await them.

  17. Congratulations to you and the whole family, Ken! That's wonderful news!

    With all three of you being comedy writers, the wedding speeches will be hilarious!

    Mazel Tov!

  18. Maybe your son can do a special app for the occasion? Congratulations!

  19. If you can date someone and write a script with them, I think you've passed the to are test. Congrats to them both!

  20. Just curious if you have ever considered doing a show with April Winchell?

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Pete Grossman8/23/2015 1:04 PM


  23. Seriously, someone made a comment on an engagement announcement that had to be removed? C'mon people, we're guests here, can't we behave ourselves?

  24. Mazel tov, congratulations, and best wishes to the happy couple.


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