Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My blog party recap

Thanks so much to everyone who attended my blog party last night at the WGA Library (that's where scholars go to read AfterMASH scripts). There were probably 60 guests or more. Like an idiot I said “no gifts.”

But a great time was had by all. It was so nice to actually meet you. Everyone wore name tags and I was fully expecting someone to go as “Anonymous.” But happily, they all used their real names (I think). And no one got too rowdy and tore up the library. My blog readers are the best!

They all signed a big card and said nice things, which makes up for all the comments kids scribbled in my high school yearbooks. No one last night wrote “You Suck!” or “Who are you again?”

Two people came from Oklahoma (not to make the rest of you feel guilty… although Norwegian Air had some deals).

One person said he was so inspired by my spec DICK VAN DYKE SHOW that he wrote a spec SEINFELD and that got him an agent. I love stories like that. I hope he has better luck selling his than I did with mine.

There were a couple of alums from THE SITCOM ROOM in attendance. Neither asked for their money back so it was great to see them again.  

Not every attendee was in the business. One young lady was a narc. I hope she was there as a fan and not just collecting evidence on me.

A blog regular and personal friend of Tallulah Morehead, Doug McEwan stopped by. Tallulah herself couldn’t make it. I think her quote was “Wine is for sissies.”

And even my writing partner, Mr. David Isaacs made an appearance. In the ten years I’ve been blogging I hope I’ve mentioned him.

It was very heartening to see everybody mingle with everybody else. I think some new friends and even writing partnerships might have been formed last night. Lots of business cards changed hands. I think the narc got ten of them.

All in all, it was an awesome evening. My thanks to the WGA library archivist, Hilary Swett and especially to Cynthia Furey who organized this entire soiree… and provided the cake! And of course, to everyone who attended. I’m thrilled and humbled to have started a little community. I’m often asked what I get out of writing a daily blog (since it ain't money) – I think it’s THAT. Meeting great people and bringing great people together. What better use of one’s free time is there?


  1. If you ever do one of the fancy soirees in the Midwest (Chicago would be good, Michigan even better. Your pal Earl Pomerantz vacation not too far from here), I am so there.

    BTW, the woman pictured in the final paragraph, if you ever do a reboot of the original MTM series, she's your Mary Richards.

    Again, congrats on 10 years of this. But more importantly, thanks. This starts my day with a smile every day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Had a wonderful time last night -- not only meeting you, Ken, but all the others who make this blog (and the coomrnts section) so much fun.

    Now that I think about it, I should have come as "Anonymous," though I would've had to buy a Guy Fawkes mask.

    And to those I met at the event, I hope I didn't bore you promoting my first screenplay...especially since none of you were producers. (Darn.)

    Again, Ken, congratulations on 10 years of fun and insight, and the lady in my avatar wishes you could have written for her,

  4. Wish I could've been there, Ken. I always look forward to your blog, and I can honestly say that, except for my marriage and my job, this is probably the longest I've ever stayed committed to anything. So, you know, take that for what it's worth. If you ever do an east-coast thing, I'll be there to say Hi!

  5. Congratulations on your 10 years.
    We enjoy reading your posts each day plus all the comments from all of your entertaining and informative readers!
    Thanks for the "Anonymous" name-tag joke. Much Appreciated!

    Finally, thank you teaching us so much about things that are important to us... Humility, Humor, Family, and how to treat others respectfully (especially those that don't necessarily deserve it but get treated anyway).

  6. 404 said "except for my marriage and my job, this is probably the longest I've ever stayed committed to anything."

    for some of us, it's even outlasted several jobs!

  7. Had a wonderful time last! Thank you and everyone who put the event together for having us! Looking forward to reconnecting with the several people I interacted with including yourself in the future! And to those I didn't exchange info with see you at the 15th Year Anniversary Party! Or the 20th!? Whichever it is. 😁😉

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I would have gone if you would've had an open bar.

  10. Had a great time last time. Thanks for having the get together and providing such an entertaining blog for ten years.

  11. Thanks so much for inviting us. I really enjoyed speaking to you and meeting fellow blog readers.

  12. It was a good evening. Repeating the thoughts here, was fun to chat with you and David. Thanks for the Dave Neihaus stories!

  13. Now I'm REALLY wishing I could have made it. *sob*

    Maybe the 20th.

  14. Well, if I'd known there would be chocolate cupcakes, I'd have made Little Dougie drag me along. We could have come in the Lushmobile instead of Dougie schlepping across town on busses filled with my fans. I can, after all, pour my own vodka into the "Mixers" in the aluminum cans. I have nothing against wine when I want a "Soft drink." But with Dougie's nasal tone, I thought he'd said there would be "Whine." Dougie's idea of a summer wine is "It's tooooo hooooot. I want something cold to drinnnnk!"

  15. Looks like it was a wonderful event. Wish I could have been there.

    Nice to put a face to Doug's name. I always enjoy reading his comments. And Tallulah's.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Thanks for last night, Ken. Great to see the man behind the cyber curtain. Forgot to sign the card. D'oh!

  18. Ken, maybe you should have a Blog Party road trip, having blog parties in every state, or a few states. Perhaps you could have celebrity guests, trivia contests, people can cosplay as their favorite Levine-Isaacs character from one of the movies or shows you created/worked on, and so much more.

    Just a thought.

  19. "Peter said...
    Nice to put a face to Doug's name."

    Thanks. Sorry it's not a better face, but that's what's left of it.

  20. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. Between the Morning Punch and the Comedy Wire, I wrote a radio humor service five days a week, 50 weeks a year, for over 22 years and also have no money to show for it, so I can relate.

    Wish I could've come to your party, but Texas is even further away than Oklahoma. Laura and I will be in L.A. during Grammy week, though, so if you have a Grammy-watching party, please keep us in mind. I'm not buying tickets to see that live again. And unlike Daft Punk, I'm not a robot.

  21. Sounds and looks like it was a fun event. Will catch up with you when you come East in the spring. Today's blog had me chuckling several times. Great way to close out the day.

  22. I will be in the 20th anniversary. Congrats! From a fellow Mariners fan (there are dozens of us!!).

  23. This was a great idea - and once again, congratulations on 10 years! I'm only sorry I had to leave early.

  24. This was the perfect event to get all us introverted antisocial artist types to come out of our creative cocoons to talk. It was great to finally meet Ken in person (after reading for 10 years, it's a funny phenomenon to actually put a face to the name) and also meet so many diverse and interesting people from this blog's community. So many fascinating people. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks, Ken, for pouring out wisdom and ideas and for accidentally building this community for ten years. I'm not even a writer, but I've enjoyed all the parallels between your world and mine, and this was a great event to celebrate a great guy.

    And a special thanks to Cynthia too, who took it up to eleven by finding the venue, organizing the RSVP's, and making the amazing cake!


  25. Hey Ken. Great Party! I had a super time talking to everyone. And now I'll be doing a Reddit AMA on your drug habits. JK

  26. Sounds like it was a lot of fun.

  27. I'm sure the list of people who wished they could have attended stretches way past, say, Nova Scotia even.

  28. Sounds like a good time, Ken. Congrats!

  29. Great! Glad it was fun and if I lived in LA, I would have definitely attended. Maybe after you write your next book, you can have a signing at a Barnes And Nobles in the Seattle area.

  30. Extremely disappointed to have missed the evening. Life got in the way at the last minute.
    That cake looked really good.

    How 'bout a reunion soon of the first blogiversary?

  31. Word on the street is that you're already planning the next one....Vin Scully as Emcee.....TBD which local radio station will be having a live remote from the festivities....something about an appearance by Hologram-Natalie-Wood backed by the Alan Alda Dancers.....a debate between Niles and Norm, "Wine or Beer?".....and a cage-match between you and Roseanne.
    Now THAT might be worth the 7000 mile round trip.

    Glad everyone had a great time.....but, seriously, only a l i v e s t r e a m will keep your nation of fans happy. Get the tech department on it, pronto!

  32. >> The Bumble Bee Pendant said...
    >> Finally, thank you teaching us so much about things that are important to
    >> us... Humility, Humor, Family, and how to treat others respectfully

    Could not have said it better. Thank YOU, Ken, for allowing us all a friendly gathering place, ( an internet CHEERS, if you will ) where everybody knows your avatar.

  33. I had hoped to have this online on your party day,

  34. When I posted above link, I had not made video public, it is now.

  35. Sounds like you all had a great time. Wish I could have been there. As it is, I couldn't even get the comment in on time.

    Tallulah, I miss your blog.

  36. "Kirk said...
    Tallulah, I miss your blog."

    Thank you darling. It's still there, I've just stopped adding new pieces. You can still read the old pieces though. There's quite a lot of them. And, of course, my second book Tallyho, Tallulah!, is available wherever fine books can be ordered online, in trade paperback, Kindle, iBook and Nook editions. Cheers, darling.


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