Saturday, April 30, 2016

Louis CK could have been a silent movie star

This is from the very cool folks at AV Club, edited by Dominick Nero. He doctored some footage from Louis CK's LOUIE series and showed how well it could work as a silent movie. Check it out.


  1. David in Cincinnati4/30/2016 6:10 AM

    Brilliant! I love the moments of pathos amid the comedy, especially in the third clip. Reminded me of the best of Buster Keaton.

  2. Saw this last week and it really makes a point. LOUIE had stunning visual compositions. Any comment on CK's show disappearing from FX because the star decided to stop making it? It's pretty significant, if you can call anything broadcast at 2 AM with no nudity significant (FX's standards policy involves warning of nudity when we get an animated side-boob at best).

  3. Pete Grossman4/30/2016 11:19 AM

    Damn! Incredibly clever! Thanks for posting.

  4. Yes, Buster Keaton. I'm just gobsmacked at how much Louie's work has in common with that of those century-ago greats. Funny is funny.

  5. Wow. He's funnier silent than he is talking. Of course that's not saying much.


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