Monday, May 23, 2016

Wow. Talk about an a-hole...

Check this out. The news anchor made the unconscionable error of reading a story this sports guy was going to do. Listen to how graciously he handles it.


  1. Mr. Hollywood5/23/2016 9:58 PM

    Since he's a so-called sportscaster, may I call him a "major league putz?"

  2. You may Mr. Hollywood as many people have considered him one for more than 20 years.

  3. The anchor was gracious, but the sportscaster .... well, it's time for him to hit the showers.

  4. Anyone who grew up in the Bay Area will NOT be surprised that Gary Radnich has set a new world's record for douchery. And the anchor he's dressing down is terrific, and has been for decades. Hang 'em up Gary. Should've happened years ago.

  5. The sportscaster is Gary Radnich, who's been at it in the Bay Area for 30 years. Like him or not, it's complete shtick, and those who've watched them for years can tell both he and the anchor are just playing along with it.

  6. If I had been her, after the first 30 seconds, the guy would have been spending the rest of his so-called "Sportscast" removing a pair of high heeled shoes from the middle of his intestinal tract.

  7. KRON needs controversy to attract viewers since they were so clever as to loose the NBC affiliation to KNTV.

  8. Yekimi: and then you'd have been out of a job. One thing I've learned if you're going to do anything on TV, especially if you're a woman, is that whatever happens you stay calm enough not to do something impulsive that will make the viewers hate you. Let the viewers hate the *putz*. And I say this as someone who just last week was subjected to the most bizarre TV recording experience certainly that *I* have ever been through, and I think bizarre by any reasonable standard. You can read my thoughts on it here (and there's a link to a memory dump):

    When it ended, the guy who booked me asked me, "Why didn't you slap him?" And it's like I said: let the *other* guy be the one who looks bad.

  9. The Nightly Show opened with this last night -,p0,d1

  10. He's a jerk if he's serious. He's hilarious if they do this type of exchange all the time. I guess maybe we shouldn't judge from just 1:43 out of these two newscasters' lives...

  11. Not the most erudite asshole either. He says he "stays in his line". He should stay in it in a smaller market. Nome, Alaska maybe. Then again, what did the people of Nome ever do to deserve him? And, "Space Jam"? Really? That's what you have a career meltdown over?

  12. One reason I like Channel 4 in Los Angeles - any mistakes, mis-cues or technical glitches, they always just plow right through. No apologies, jokes or zingers (well, Paul Moyer occasionally lost his cool in the old days) - they know that we know they goofed, and they're professional enough to just keep going.

  13. Ouch, he wasn't joking.

    Hopefully at least reprimanded.

  14. I saw the video before they pulled it. That sports idiot wasn't joking.

    A week's suspension would be the appropriate penalty here.

  15. Headline writing, a marvelous comic art. My late father-in-law was a sportswriter at a great Southern newspaper when he was called upon to write a column on Sandy Koufax and his religious objections to pitching a World Series game on the Sabbath. The inspired header for Jimmy's piece: KOSHER KOU IN A PICKLE....

  16. FYI: I searched KRON sports at Youtube and found another copy someone posted.

    I'd put a link here, but by the time anyone sees it, it too could be dead.

  17. Here's a site where the video's still up.

    Wow, this guy acted like a real jerk. On the plus side I am super-impressed at how the KRON people scoured the internet to quickly remove the videos wherever they could find them.

  18. @WendyMGrossman: That was certainly a strange experience & a cautionary tale. An auditioning evangelical preacher hiring a cheap production company who contacted you? Slapping the host is known as common assault on film. You need to be either Grace Jones or Emu to get away with it. I regard the presence of American envangelical preachers on our fair shores as a retribution for the sins of our ancestors. Having exported the original evangelicals to the colonies centuries ago, they spliced with the American psyche to weaponise & return.

    Anyway, I've puzzled over the identity of your mysterious host - the strangely protruding bald head, the bizarre mid-Atlantic accent, the excessive wanking - and decided it was Loyd Grossman.


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