Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hey, wanna see my new play?

Happy to announce that my new play, GOING GOING GONE, will be performed for six weekends beginning October 1st at the Hudson Theatre in Hollywood. The Hudson is unique in that there’s a cafĂ© and parking. That's right -- parking.  The seats are comfortable and the theatre isn’t massive so you can actually see the actors without a telescope.

The play is about four reporters in the press box of a big league stadium and how their lives change over the course of one baseball game. The theme is our need to be remembered set in a world that’s all about celebrating milestones and keeping track of everything.

Plus, I’ve spent many years in these press boxes listening to these guys and trust me, it was not hard to make this a comedy. There were many nights when the byplay in the press box was waaaaay more entertaining than the game on the field.

Andrew Barnicle, who directed my other play, A OR B? at the Falcon Theatre is directing this too. And I couldn’t be more thrilled. The best way to learn how to direct a play is to watch someone who is a master at it. Learning to write a play was harder. I couldn’t just sit and watch Neil Simon type.

I’m also blessed with an awesome cast. Annie Abrams, David Babich, Troy Metcalf, and Dennis Pearson. (My last play featured two actors, this one has four. I don’t know what possessed me to write a spectacle this time.)  There are also "special appearances" by Harry S. Murphy and Howard Hoffman.

Rehearsals begin Tuesday and I’ll keep you up to date on the progress like I did when A OR B? went into production in 2014.

We open Saturday night, October 1st. There will be two previews beforehand – Thursday September 29 and Friday September 30. We’ll do the previews right there at the Hudson. We’re not going to New Haven for two days. There will also be a matinee on Sunday October 2nd.

Following that first weekend, performances will be every Friday and Saturday night at 8:00 and Sunday at 3:00. It closes November 6th.

Yes, I’ll be there every night so if you ever wanted to meet me or see me pace, this would be the perfect opportunity.

For tickets call 323-960-5521 or go here to purchase them online.  Seats are limited. 

Thanks much. See you at the thee-ah-tuh.


  1. Hey Ken. I've already got my tickets and bringing 5 family members to the Friday final preview. I'm coming in from the Bronx for the holidays and thought this would be the perfect way to start my family weekend. Hope to get a chance to say hi to you!

  2. Ken -- would really like to see this, but a trip south isn't in the cards. Any chance you may adapt this into a short story? As a former sportswriter I know how funny this is!

  3. Break a leg!

    I'm hoping maybe Hatboro will be the East Coast Premiere of this one, too! :)

  4. Congratulation on the new play.

    Is it this Annie Abrams?

    She's cute. And funny - "I went to that new seafood restaurant called Bait and Switch, but it turns out they don't serve seafood."

    If I'm able to make it to LA in October, I'll come see the play. Do you have to know anything about baseball to enjoy it, because I don't know the first thing about it.

  5. Ken, a play about baseball? I would love to see it. Are you eventually taking it to Seattle? Maybe early next year, if we're in the area. We both love watching productions.
    By the way, where do you find the time to write books, blog, and write a play? Amazing!

  6. Hi, living in NJ makes it impossible for me to see your play, but I would love to read A or B. I work in community theatre. Is it published? Thanks

  7. As a former sportswriter, I agree 100 percent that what goes on in there is a lot funnier than people know. Unless you watch the Padres.

  8. I'd love to see your new play, especially as it is set in a baseball press box. I'm one of your readers who likes the sports related posts on your blog.

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to travel to see the show in person. The next best thing would be to have the opportunity to read the script. After the initial theater run is completed, would it be possible to make the script available for sale?

    Good luck with the play. It's inspiring how you keep challenging yourself and learning new things.

  9. I'm going to make my way to LA to see this!

  10. Peter,

    You do NOT need to know the first thing about baseball to enjoy it. It's a comedy about people set in the world of baseball.

  11. Stephen Catron,

    Email me at for a copy of A OR B? Thanks.

  12. Thanks, Ken!

    I hope to make it to LA for October. If not, maybe you could bring it, as well as A OR B?, to London.

  13. congrats, Ken. wish i could be there. break a ... bat?

  14. Pete Grossman8/25/2016 10:49 AM

    Here's to knocking it outta the park!

  15. As if parking and food isn't enough, we get to see a play too! Will be there for sure. Congrats Ken!!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Steve Dilbeck8/25/2016 1:30 PM

    I expect royalties.

  18. Wait, we can read your plays?!

    Ken, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the rise of the "sad-com". This article says they're the long gestating grand children of M*A*S*H, and it kind of makes sense. What do you think of this current trend?

  19. Promises to be plenty of fun...and since I spent my share of time in MLB press boxes in my sportswriting days, I can vouch for the inherent humorous potential, e.g., the "when will the no-hitter be broken" pool that usually begins in the fifth inning or so. (Hard to believe the Padres are close to concluding their 48th season without a no-hitter, especially considering neither of their home parks could be described as bandboxes.)

  20. Congrats and good luck with the play. Hope it comes East like its predecessor "A or B?"
    More congrats on getting Carlos Ruiz as a backup catcher. He's great handling pitchers and he'll win you a couple games with his bat before the season is over, even as a backup. Happy he gets reunited with Chase Utley and they both get a chance at a second WS ring.

  21. Mark Patterson8/25/2016 5:46 PM

    Mr. Levine,

    I regret that seeing your play is not in my future. However, I must congratulate you on having...stones...of iron. Only someone supremely confident in their own abilities and in the quality of the cast would gift the play with a title so easily turned into a cheap-shot by a hostile reviewer.

    With your record of creating intelligent class A entertainment, I have no doubt the play is both funny and thought-provoking.

    Break a leg, as they say!

  22. Friday question. With your radio background I'm interested to know if there was ever any behind the scenes discussion on Frasier about his lifestyle not matching up to his probable salary. Yes he worked in a major market but a hosting gig on a am station most likely wouldn't support his apartment ,car and clothes as well as his social life with wine clubs, fancy restaurant, etc. I love the show and know most people wouldn't even notice but curious if there were talks about it

  23. Ken, for those of us who can't make it to your play, will this be published at Samuel French or Dramatist?


  24. "We’re not going to New Haven for two days."

    Damn. I hope you do bring this east.

  25. Matt,

    Hopefully at some point, yes. But that's a long process.

  26. combine your 2 plays. Going A or Going B, Gone.

  27. Seeing as this fairly-well describes his charisma, credibility and career, I'm surprised you didn't cast Alex Rodriguez.
    Maybe when you come east, he might be available.

  28. ON-Topic-Kid with a FABULOUS second-time at-bat tonight......this is startin' to get real good:


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