Saturday, September 03, 2016

Book recommendation

As I prepare to teach again this fall at UCLA (Go Bruins!) I came across an excellent new screenwriting book.  Aaron Mendelsohn's THE ELEVEN FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS.   If you're writing a screenplay, pilot, or play, THESE are the questions you need to answer.  It's an easy read, only in ebook form (so it's much easier to lug to class). 

Here's an example of one of the questions.
And I'm told you can even get a discount this weekend.  Here's where you go for more info and to order.   And just so you know, I've never met Aaron Mendelsohn.  So no kickbacks unfortunately. 


  1. This reminds me. I've been meaning to ask you if you've ever seen this list of Billy Wilder's ten screenwriting tips and what you think of them. They appeared in the book, CONVERSATIONS WITH WILDER, by Cameron Crowe.

    Number 6, I have to say, helped me see the light on a real problem I was having with a screenplay of mine.

  2. I picked this up! Seems like great, straight forward advice and tips. Worth the price.


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