Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Episode 8: The Romantic Comedies You Need to See

Ken reveals his favorite rom coms and why you need to see them. Some you know, but others you might not. Find out what you’re missing. For anyone who likes to laugh or swoon. Also, he’ll be introducing you to a very young Albert Brooks. And finally, Ken comes clean on his recent appearances on CNN.

Listen to the Hollywood & Levine podcast!


  1. Jeff Alexander, Stuart, Florida2/23/2017 7:41 AM

    Mr. Levine:
    I am currently enjoying your podcast on Romantic Comedies and I do agree with most of your opinions (The Lady Eve was not as funny to me as so many people tell me it was -- I prefer Sturges' Miracle of Morgan's Creek and Unfaithfully Yours). But thanks very much for including the writers/directors in your reviews.
    I do feel compelled to correct you on one fact -- in your description of the Some Like It Hot plot, you say that "Al Capone is out to get them and kill them."
    Actually, it's a fictional character named Spats Colombo, played by George Raft, who does play an Al Capone type! Easy to confuse.
    Thanks and I look forward to your daily blogs and podcasts. Great job.

  2. Ken,

    Thanks for the heads up on your intro/wrapups for AMC Neil Simon movies. I saw you this week on the CNN 80s TV Episode. Your conversational/interviewee voice sounds quite different than your announcer's voice - pitched higher, yet your "radio voice" is quite conversational.

    Thanks too, for the heads up on next year's CNN 90s documentaries - please remind us when they get around to airing them.

  3. LOVE the tag!
    Annie Hall was a touchstone for me, but I'm slightly older than you, so I don't know if it works younger.
    Never thought of some of those films as ROM coms,. though I do love them (The Producers, Young Frankenstein).

  4. Should have mentioned Albert Brooks comes from a long line of family comedy. His real name is Einstein (a reason to change it to Brooks). His Father was Harry Einstein, famous as the star, creator of the hit radio program, Parkyacarkas. His brother, Bob Einstein, is better known as Super Dave Osborn and a recurring role as himself on Curb You Enthusiasm. Another brother, Cliff was creative director and later head of L.A.'s largest ad agency, Daily @ Assoc.

  5. Another entertaining session, although I think the definition of Romantic Comedy has been stretched to the breaking point. Albert Brooks has always had a deft sense of comedy. I remember his Danny and the Dummy bit from many years ago and how funny it was to me. Nice to hear him again.

  6. "Dr. Strangelove" is brilliant dark comedy and among the best films of the '60s, but romantic comedy? The only element of romance involves the sexy mistress of George C. Scott's general, and she's a supporting character at best.

    The lady in my avatar is a trifle disappointed you didn't mention one of her films, especially since she knows you're a fan of hers. "My Man Godfrey," perhaps? "Twentieth Century"? "Nothing Sacred"? "To Be Or Not To Be"? (As dark as "Strangelove," but far more romantic.) But at least you didn't mention "Bringing Up Baby." (Carole's still miffed at Katharine Hepburn for buying the rights to "Woman of the Year"; Lombard read it and wanted to make it a vehicle for her and Clark Gable.)

    Oh, and I bet when CNN's "The Nineties" airs, the TV segment will be dominated by the overrated "Friends." I expect "Seinfeld" to get a little mention, but I fear "Frasier" will be left by the wayside.

  7. I like the new jingle!

  8. I'm a fan of THE HEARTBREAK KID mainly for Jeannie Berlin. Whenever I saw Grodin I couldn't help thinking of his murderous character in CATCH 22. Albert Brooks: anyone remember his drive-thru restaurant routine? "And... annn... orrrange drink!!"

  9. Common mistake but Peter Boyle did not play Frankenstein - he played Frankenstein's monster. Frankenstein is the scientist played by Gene Wilder.

  10. This was a great list, but I'm disappointed that one movie in particular wasn't included: WHAT'S UP DOC. This has to be one of the truly under-appreciated great comedies of the 70's.

  11. To Bill Avena:

    I think you might be thinking of "Fast Food," a famous bit with an incoherent clerk over a fuzzy speaker in which the driver keeps screaming that he wants a cheeseburger, medium fries and a large orange drink, and she repeats back, "Bluuurgg, blah-blurrr, blah-bluuurr-blaaaah-blaaah" until the driver goes nuts. That's by Ron Stevens & Joy Grdnic, a married radio comedy/morning show team who put out a couple of great LPs, "Somewhere Over The Radio" and "Retail Comedy At Wholesale Prices" ("Fast Food" is from the latter -- you can hear it here: ) They're friends of mine, and I wrote a dozen or so one-liners a day for their syndicated radio service for years until they sold it.

  12. @Pat Reeder: THANK YOU! I have that bit on one of my many Dr. Demento mixtapes from the 80's, but apparently never heard who did it, because it's not listed on the case. I goof on that bit EVERY TIME I'm in the drive-thru. I miss the hell outta Dr. D; I wish he'd just shifted his show over to online instead of retiring altogether.

    I wonder if those old tapes are still playable, or all squeaky-tweaky...? I can't seem to part with them; too many memories!

    Cheers, thanks a lot!


  13. This past weekend, I saw the second and third episodes of a CNN series, "The History of Comedy", very fascinating. Very enjoyable as you might imagine. I don't know if these are reruns or not, but good stuff.

  14. Scriptdoctor3/03/2017 11:29 AM

    Romantic comedies and no mention of Groundhog Day? I am glad you mentioned some of the old classics.


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